Modern Arnis Camp


I hope to step in between you two guys.

THat way I can learn a lot ;~)

Weve got several.

And several Apollos too :D

No Athenas. :(

(real bad battlestar galactica refs for those wondering) :rofl:
Saturday roundtable at camp should be interesting, no computer screens just real faces. My sticks are twitching and I can smell the burning rattan.
FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! :duel: :cheers: :duel: :cheers:
Well, I spent most of the day today working with Jaybacca and Joe Arnold in his knife shop making training daggers, hunters, kris and yes, even training Kukuri.

A good portion of these knives will be for sale at the camp through Renegade. These knives are ONLY available through Renegade. These are hand made knives in several different models made exactly as a real knife would be made but with training steels and with specifications. Each is individual.

To see some more of Joe's work go to:

Anyway, hope you all get a chance to look at them as Jaybacca is bringing some down to the camp this weekend.

Now excuse me while I go cough up a lung from the steel filings and stag dust.
My contacts in Chi town have found one I have been looking for, been almost a year now.
I will have to send a money order to get it, but it will be well worth it. It has been too long since I have gotten a new knife. If it pans out I will tell you which one, but I do not want to spoil it.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Funny thing the knife has come up at this point in the thread. I have been introduced to a knife called the "Gunting" designed by Bram Frank. I like it. It is an interesting one as it is designed to be used as a self defense tool in the closed position as well as opened up. You use the protruding section (called the ramp) for a striking, pinning, pinching or pressure point application as well as the lead or butt portion of it. It is an interesting form of knife which won't get you into a great deal of legal trouble if you use it. Check it out on the Spyderco website. Personally, I like it.
PS - I am now in Buffalo and the weather is typical Portland, Oregon.
here that he had used it, or a variation of it. I know him and his instructor well. I have heard about this knife before on the Eskrima digest, but have never seen one up close before, pictures never do justice.
The idea of it being made for non lethal techniques as well as bladed makes it an interesting design. I mean any knife can be used that way, but are not genrally designed for it on purpose.
Hope you got lots of e-books Dan.
See you soon!
Originally posted by Roland
It has been too long since I have gotten a new knife.

Maybe you'll learn how to put them out on display then eh?

They only come in the box, they're not supposed to stay there.
Nate 'The Jockey' Janulis will not be attending the seminar this time. He's actually been tied down with a lot of BS lately; he does plan to start training again soon, though, so hopefully he'll make it to the next one!:shrug:
Today is day 1 of our camp!!!!! How much hair will I have after?

:jediduel: :jedi1: :drinkbeer :cheers: :samurai:

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