ATC, nice reply

and thanks. if you'd made your OP this one instead it would have been a good post.
I've found when men start playing at showing each other techniques often a little bit of rivalry sets in, even in the best of guys lol! Especially when they come from a different style or they are showing me! We had a new guy in the other night, a soldier had done his 'control and restraint' training and wanted to show off a bit, I let him show a move on me as his mate wasn't too willingly, even after he promised it wouldn't hurt. Well it did actually and I could see a faint smirk appearing on his face, there it said, that showed you. So I used an Aikido move to drop him, yep that hurt too. He did not like being dropped by this middle aged lady rofl! See ego, gets in the way.
It's a shame that lad tapped out your lads but then they will have learned a lesson too, don't show off!
He was right, however, about the RNC, when put on fast and properly you won't get out of it. When demo-ing it (as you said...he started to put it on, he didn't crank it on immediately) or even doing it in an MMA comp it's put on slowly, slower in a demo of course. Watch in a fight how slowly it's put on, then imagine it done at speed in a street attack type of situation. A friend of mine who refs pro MMA uses it to get someone off if they won't obey first time he tells them, damn they go out quick. In the street you'd have to be so fast to get it off, better still not to let it get on. In MMA there are ways to get out of it, depending on whether you are prone or standing, yours is a valid way if you can reach up, I rarely can as everyone is bigger than me. . . . . pause for sympathy there people!
I know that panic you get when it's on but the thing about MMA is that while it may not be 'real' fighting, it's the closest you're going to get without going downtown on a Saturday night and calling people out. I don't panic now with the choke and I don't freeze if I'm punched in the face (and yes for those who remember my front tooth is still stuck there very elegantly with superglue) MMA is fight orientated, you train to fight the same as in boxing but it doesn't mean that the techniques can't be utilised for SD. Our instructor will often demo a technique for MMA and then say that if you use this slight variation its good for SD. He was in the army for many years, has done, still does actually close protection work and he also works the doors. He's trained with Geoff Thompson many times, they have similiar backgrounds. We do train SD separately from MMA but many techniques are common to both, the mindset is different but thats not a problem.
Idiots you get everywhere, it was kickboxing before, kung fu before that, I expect even boxing got it. You just have to shrug and remember what the people who really do MMA are like. . . . .very cool of course!