Merry Christmas


3rd Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
As the holidays draw perilously close and the shopping and preparations seem impossible to complete. Merry Christmas to everyone on MT. I would be curious hear about any special holiday traditions celebrated the members.
Merry Christmas Dennis and everyone. Our tradition is on Christmas Eve we sail around Newport Beach Harbor having dinner and exchanging gifts with family and and a few friends.
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Due to an always changing work schedule we have no real traditions. Im off Christmas eve this year but work Christmas night. Other years Ive worked both or none so it depends on how my schedule falls. This year we are doing our gifts and dinner with family on Christmas eve. Then we have a Christmas play my kids are in at our Church so after dinner we are heading up to the Church for that
Merry Christmas, in our traditional Christmas we hang home made chocolates on the tree and we have a small ornament shaped like a pickle and hide it on the tree and the kids try find it for good luck. Sometimes well get all our pets and family and go outside and do whatever. Aside from that open presents and eat until we feel bad and have to lay on the couch for some football. Good times...

At work i like to try get Alice (co worker) under mistletoe she always refuses but at this point almost a tradition to just ask :lol:
That sounds so great. what a nice tradition

Thanks. We've been doing this for a long time now. It's one of the few times during the year we are able to get together as a group and spend time together. It's funny, we all seem to be too busy during the year but we never fail to get together on Christmas Eve.
Due to an always changing work schedule we have no real traditions. Im off Christmas eve this year but work Christmas night. Other years Ive worked both or none so it depends on how my schedule falls. This year we are doing our gifts and dinner with family on Christmas eve. Then we have a Christmas play my kids are in at our Church so after dinner we are heading up to the Church for that

I'm glad you are able to get together on Christmas eve. I know you have a tough schedule.Be safe out there.
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to all

As for tradition...pretty much trying to convince my wife (from China) that Christmas has a lot more to it than spending money.... and this year she is only been about 1/4 the scrooge she has been in the past....and it only took 10 years to get here.

Other than that traditions went away about 4 years ago when my father's Parkinson's got the better of him and this is only the 2nd Christmas since he passed away so traditions....I'm working on it...for the kids.... might have started a new one this year... I stand back and let the kids do all the tree decorating (they did a great job by the way) and tomorrow (although this is late) we will go outside and finish the outside decorating


My youngest just told me we already have a tradition.....daddy makes a pancake breakfast for the family Christmas day.... and I just thought I was cooking breakfast...
As the holidays draw perilously close and the shopping and preparations seem impossible to complete. Merry Christmas to everyone on MT. I would be curious hear about any special holiday traditions celebrated the members.

Merry christmas to you too, Dennis! Thank you.

Merry Christmas to everyone on Martial Talk, too.

No real traditions here, other than we usually celebrate separate Christmas's at a few places. Go to the parents, the in laws, then the grandparents, and of course our own household christmas.

Oh, and I am always the one to pass out gifts. What about you Dennis?


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous
Oh, and I am always the one to pass out gifts. What about you Dennis?


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous

I usually cook a Christmas turkey and make sure someone else hands out the presents. We occasionally have a theme. Last year was Dr. Who. It was a fun challenge to find Christmas crackers, make fezs, bow ties, a weeping angle tree topper, and a glow in the dark crack in the wall.
Due to an always changing work schedule we have no real traditions. Im off Christmas eve this year but work Christmas night. Other years Ive worked both or none so it depends on how my schedule falls. This year we are doing our gifts and dinner with family on Christmas eve. Then we have a Christmas play my kids are in at our Church so after dinner we are heading up to the Church for that

I can relate. My kids will state that before I retired, opening presents usually had to wait until I got out of the OR after dealing with whatever emergency popped up Christmas morning. I never heard one word of complaint from those kids :)
Our Christmas tradition is (or was rather) somewhat more prosaic.

We have dinner with Michelle's family at the house of either ourselves, her mother or her sister. Then there is the Great Present Unwrapping marathon ... much wrapping paper dies at this juncture. Then either our guests leave or we withdraw and the part that matters is that we go to a local park and walk hand in hand (hopefully in snow) until it goes dark. I will so miss that this year.
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to all

As for tradition...pretty much trying to convince my wife (from China) that Christmas has a lot more to it than spending money.... and this year she is only been about 1/4 the scrooge she has been in the past....and it only took 10 years to get here.

Other than that traditions went away about 4 years ago when my father's Parkinson's got the better of him and this is only the 2nd Christmas since he passed away so traditions....I'm working on it...for the kids.... might have started a new one this year... I stand back and let the kids do all the tree decorating (they did a great job by the way) and tomorrow (although this is late) we will go outside and finish the outside decorating


My youngest just told me we already have a tradition.....daddy makes a pancake breakfast for the family Christmas day.... and I just thought I was cooking breakfast...

There's a lot of truth about Christmas now these days it's mostly lies like the flying reindeer or going down a chimney and I have no idea what the tree involvement is but in a history book some call him saint Nicolas, I've always heard him as Kris Kringle a man who gave toys to children a long time ago during a rough time in history (either during or after the war) that is at least what I grew up hearing

Merry Christmas, seeing the joy Christmas brings the children really is something special
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all.

I guess our only tradition has been trying to be together. When it was just the wife and kids and I, that wasn't hard. Now that the kids are have their own families, they must split up time between the respective in-laws. I used to get up early and cook the turkey, and help with other dishes, especially the gravy from the neck, gizzard, liver and heart. I don't know why everyone liked it so much. My daughter asked about it at Thanksgiving, and I had to tell her she had to give me several hours warning, and save all those parts she would otherwise throw away.

But the best thing is being able to be with family. Grandkids make that even more special.

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