As martial artists we strive to head off conflict before it ever gets to technique. We do this in various ways. We stay out of areas that we know will raise our risk. We strive to put ego aside and not react to the bravado that many of us find we still have within us. We use verbage designed to de-escalate a situation. One of the things I can't really ever remember concentrating on during my training are the specifics of how, exactly, to do that. We hear, "You have to do everything you can to avoid a physical confrontation"..."Fighting is a last resort"..."If you have to use technique then you've failed somewhere along the way" but aside from posture training, which is generally just how to be in a defensible stance without looking like it, we've never really discussed how to talk someone down. How do all of you teach this aspect of the art or is it so variable depending on the situation that you feel it's best left to the individual to get it right when they have to?