Men's Brains VS Women's Brains


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Absolutely brilliant assessment of men's brains vs women's brains.
Love it.

Going back to my nothing box now.

Here's his talk on Men's Sex Drive... very important for you ladies to watch. Too bad it's not the full version of this talk... but still funny.
Completely fabulous - this should be mandatory viewing for both sides of the sexual divide :D.
I've watched a lot of Mark Gungor's stuff over on YouTube since Caver posted this.

I admit that he has nothing to say that's particularly innovative or new, mainly because it's all based on the Bible. But he puts it across in such a lively, funny and entertaining way that I even forgive him for tarring all of us Godless heathens with the same brush.

After all, good advice is good advice and despite the fact that I have very little time for organised religion, there is no denying the fact that as a set of social rules and tenets to live your life by it's hard to go wrong with 'christian' values.