Brian and Terrylamar:
I ask these questions because I belong to no organization. My instructor doesn't belong to one and I am pretty independent, so it fits with my personality. I have considered it from time to time.
Does either the ITF or the WTF set any limits on what you teach in class? That has been my impression of the ITF, based on impressions of things I have read. I know even less about WTF than ITF.
I do an older style of ITF forms, so I don't feel I fit with current ITF style and I am not interested in changing how I do things. Are there people in the ITF who have not switched to newer styles and philosophies of the ITF? Or do you pretty much have to follow what the leaders say?
Thanks. I am interested in hearing about your experiences with your organizations.
I feel like I'm in the same boat that you're in here. I practice an older ITF style of TKD, but my instructor does not belong to the ITF or any other org. In fact, my instructor doesn't even keep up with any of the current changes in forms or techniques...which may be a good or bad thing.
Either way, it's what I respect about him. He doesn't feel like he has to stay current in the TKD world...the TKD that he learned in the 60's and 70's is valid enough to work now, and that's what he teaches. His classes have not changed at all in 30 years.
That being said, when I earned my first dan, my blackbelt certificate was something that he made himself. If I were to take it to another school and present it as proof of my rank, I would be laughed out the door. But I can physically prove that I earned my 1st dan, and my instructor recognizes me as that rank, so that's all I'm concerned with.
If, for whatever reason, I were to leave his dojang and join another one, I wouldn't be asked to provide my certificate anyway...they would ask me to demonstrate my knowledge of the art physically, which is all that matters.
The certificate, in my opinion, is much like the's a symbol of your knowledge. Nothing more.