Meet and Greet 2007

Is the number of rounds everyone buys still going to be dictated by the number of pasties they have?:drinky:
Is the number of rounds everyone buys still going to be dictated by the number of pasties they have?:drinky:

I suspect not. I think it's more likely that the number of rounds for any given person will be determined by the degree to which that person is driven, by personal demons too vile and horrible to describe, to buy rounds for other people until forcibly dragged from the bar....
No, those with 2 or more stars have their drinks purchased by those who don't...

Ohh! I misunderstood, until I can figure out where that original idea came from and who was agreeing with it:uhyeah:
No, those with 2 or more stars have their drinks purchased by those who don't...
NOT hardly

those with more than 2 stars must by right buy the drinks because we think so much of them and reward them with more stars LOL

The more stars hte more drinks you buy Now that sounds much better to me

It would be niice to have a larger group there this year.
I also need advance notice of the dates of the M&G
Meh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Kreth'll pick up the tab becuase he's just so super duper. :rofl:

Yes that is the rumor that I have heard as well. Kreth likes to buy!
Am I the only one thinking of Star-bellied Sneeches? :D
No, Kreth brought them up long before you, and I before he, and he before she and ... oh nevermind.

And actually, those with many stars will have no room in their wallets for money or debit cards ... hence we cannot buy the drinks! :lol2:

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