Meet and Greet 2007

I'll come depending on whether I can drive there in one day, and as long as it doesn't interfere with our summer camping trip. Not sure when that is, exactly. When approximately would such a Meet and Greet be held?
Well Drac that particular story came from the last meet and greet which unfortunately I was not at. So we just need to convince Kreth to come to the May seminar and he can then fill us all in on the sordid details!

No way man. You need to come to the next M&G. ;)
Well Drac that particular story came from the last meet and greet which unfortunately I was not at. So we just need to convince Kreth to come to the May seminar and he can then fill us all in on the sordid details!
Where's this at? I'm pretty cheap, I could make myself available for airfare, lodging and beer. No wait, that last part might get pretty expensive... :p
There seem to be a whole lot of East Coast, or Midwest suggestions. Are there ever any 'Meet and Greet' in the West?
There seem to be a whole lot of East Coast, or Midwest suggestions. Are there ever any 'Meet and Greet' in the West?

Nothing stopping one of you from organizing one for the West Coast members..Now if you wanna fly Bob Hubbard out there and put him up and feed him I don't think he'd be opposed to that..
I am going to try like crazy to make the next meet and greet. Only time will tell but like everyone else here I enjoy training, meeting people and getting together afterwards.
Right now, the "main" M&G is in Buffalo each year. We did try other locations initially but those plans all fell through. We have had several other informal get togethers go on though.

What I would like to do at some point is have several regional M&G's with a large "big event" type one each year.

Right now, there's talk of 2 additional events, one in London Ontario, and one in Texas. There will be one in Buffalo this summer, just working out details with the host school. I'd love to see one on the West Coast as well. I would like to attend them all, but cash flows tight. But! There are always ways. :)

So, if someone is interested in organizing a regional M&G, lets talk :)
I'd love to see one on the West Coast as well. I would like to attend them all, but cash flows tight. But! There are always ways. :)So, if someone is interested in organizing a regional M&G, lets talk :)

I told patrick22 to organize one and fly you out there..
Is there a prefered hotel/motel where everybody stays when attending the one in Buffalo???? Wife travels there alot and can probably get me a hook up on a room...
Is there a prefered hotel/motel where everybody stays when attending the one in Buffalo???? Wife travels there alot and can probably get me a hook up on a room...

Get me one as well Drac I need the hookup
Is there a prefered hotel/motel where everybody stays when attending the one in Buffalo???? Wife travels there alot and can probably get me a hook up on a room...

There is a Hampton near the school. Enough people and we may be able to get a group rate for those folks that aren't using their frequent traveler points ;)
So...Is there like, an estimated date or timeframe yet? Or do I just need get unlazy and read more?

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