Medicine ball, next best thing for martial arts?

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now sure if this is the righ forum for this descussion.

Saw a video on medicine ball training. The guy says that it's a great descovery for martial artists. He speaks of it as if it was a horse stance it-self. Any way did some drills with a friend. Hips, shoulders, back, obliques are hurting.

However, I can't see it being that important to MA training. I mean If I lie down on the floor and the ball is dropped on my stomach than may be it would help me "protect" like Van Damme in Kickboxer. Other wise, how can it help my punches or kicks for that matter.

Any oppinions or ideas?
I find medicine ball drills are great for developing core stability and strength, which is extremely important in all facets of martial arts from purely display XMA stuff right down to the hardcore self defense.

They are also (generally) low impact exercises so you can do them without putting undue strain on any particular joints, and you can incorporate them into nearly any bodyweight exercise you do. One I read on these very forums was plyometric push ups. Do push ups on the ball as normal, but when you push up, try and jerk the ball off the ground. Very hard work, but it nets excellent results. Well, it has for me at least.
The thing I like about the medicine ball?
Adaptability. You can get creative. You needn't do the same things all the time.

Very good training to be had with this tool.

Your brother
It worked for Teddy R. He kicked some booty on San Juan hill.
Tony M., Who is Teddy K?
Adept, what do you mean by jerk the ball of the ground, like pick it up?
first123class said:
Adept, what do you mean by jerk the ball of the ground, like pick it up?
Yeah. You do a regular push up, but instead of having your hands on the ground, you have them on the medicine ball. When you push yourself up, you try and push yourself up hard enough that you can hold onto the ball and lift it off the ground. Like when you do push ups with claps in between, but instead of just clapping you are lifting a medicine ball.
i don't think it would do well as a hard body training tool since it is normally designed to have some give. but like every one else has saide it would be good for training your body. and i think that TonyM. was talking about teddy r. the president (i cann't rember how to spell his name). and that battle, if your going to ask, i beleive was fought in the spainish-american war.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

first123class said:

now sure if this is the righ forum for this descussion.

Saw a video on medicine ball training. The guy says that it's a great descovery for martial artists. He speaks of it as if it was a horse stance it-self. Any way did some drills with a friend. Hips, shoulders, back, obliques are hurting.

However, I can't see it being that important to MA training. I mean If I lie down on the floor and the ball is dropped on my stomach than may be it would help me "protect" like Van Damme in Kickboxer. Other wise, how can it help my punches or kicks for that matter.

Any oppinions or ideas?
My personal favorite is to use it to switch up from pushups. basically lie on your back and have a partner stand over your head. Take the medicine ball and throw it straight into the air as high as you can pushing off straight from your chest. Have your partner catch it and hand it back to you. Repeat until you can barely get the medicine ball to your partner's hands (it doesn't take as long as you think).

As far as dropping it on your midsection, as long as your partner isn't on top of the building or something, it wouldn't be too bad. Just make sure you start off very lightly or you'll really injure yourself.
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The medicine ball is a great tool for training, I love it. We use it to smash each other in the stomach, and to do sit ups. Boxing has so many great training tools that should not be overlooked. There is a reason why alot of martial artists get beat down by a decent boxer, its up to you to find out why.
coungnhuka said:
i don't think it would do well as a hard body training tool since it is normally designed to have some give. but like every one else has saide it would be good for training your body. and i think that TonyM. was talking about teddy r. the president (i cann't rember how to spell his name). and that battle, if your going to ask, i beleive was fought in the spainish-american war.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt-26th president (1901-1909)
great tool. very versatile. it can be used to work most muscle groups, is easier to use than weights, and is good for body conditioning. Don't overlook it, I am 99% certain that every school I've ever attended used them...
Try to do push ups, with one foot in the air and one on the medicine ball. Try the same thing, with only on hand push ups.

If you are ever able to do it (not saying you can't do it now), let me know how long it took you to get it.

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