Meanwhile back at the ranch.

The mind boggles. Nothing else comes immediately to mind but that thought.
I generally do not care about the number of responses any post I create gets but this one I must say surprises me. Considering the amount of political discussions going on here on MT (Republican vs. Democrat or war debates) it is interesting how this seems to not matter much at all.

Could it be because it is not clearly Republican vs. Democrat? Could it be because the Republicans posted it but the Democrats did nothing to stop it? Could it be that it shows the possibility that Iraq at least appears to have had the intent to build a weapon of mass destruction?

And I am the first to say the press is generally a group of smarmy self-serving ratings whores but my hat is of to the Times here for bringing it to the forefront.

The US and others have soldiers fighting and dieing in the middle east for alleged reasons of fighting terrorism and we (the US) post a web page that has detailed instructions on how to make an A-Bomb that were allegedly found in Iraq and it seems like a non-story.
Do you mean, that in their zest to justify the invasion of Iraq, Republicans had to be able prove there were WMD. And the best way to do that, because they have not been able to hire sufficient translators, they posted the information on the internet for all to see.

Well, we just aren't that interested.

We know the Republicans can not keep us safe from anything. And its all so vague and over thereish.

When at home, we have the good looking congressman flirting with little boys. And preachers doin meth induced gay sex.

Now That's News.
It doesn't surprise me that there would be that kind of ineptitude in a government agency. The only reason I'm not up in arms about it, it doesn't seem to be information that couldn't be easily garnered elsewhere.

Do you mean, that in their zest to justify the invasion of Iraq, Republicans had to be able prove there were WMD. And the best way to do that, because they have not been able to hire sufficient translators, they posted the information on the internet for all to see.

Well, we just aren't that interested.

We know the Republicans can not keep us safe from anything. And its all so vague and over thereish.

When at home, we have the good looking congressman flirting with little boys. And preachers doin meth induced gay sex.

Now That's News.

Never mind, it would be pointless to take this further, I know your stance and sadly nothing will ever change it. Besides you missed the point and went the easy, and in my opinion pointless, political route and threw in a few flamable unrelated topics to avoid dealing the problem all together.

You may be surprised to find someday that not all the bad guys wear black hats.

But at least you didn't disappoint me and gave me the answer I expected.

It doesn't surprise me that there would be that kind of ineptitude in a government agency. The only reason I'm not up in arms about it, it doesn't seem to be information that couldn't be easily garnered elsewhere.


That is true but apparently these were, as some said, greater detail than can be found elsewhere and be so easily available at the same time.
I find this somewhat disturbing.

We are fighting a war against terrorism and have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, meanwhile back in the states we possibly are posting "how to make a nuke" instructions on a website... now isnÂ’t that special.


Hmm... That isn't the best news in the world. That's either a VERY short rope to hang oneself with or a major sign of ineptitude on the poster's part.


1. What are the odds that every IP address that views the instructions isn't quietly noted and, possibly, investigated?

2. Is the posted instruction set a honeypot or a genuine sign of ineptitude on the part of the poster?

3. Has anyone verified that the instruction set is valid?

4. How difficult would it be to actually do anything with the information without being tracked the entire time?
Hmm... That isn't the best news in the world. That's either a VERY short rope to hang oneself with or a major sign of ineptitude on the poster's part.


1. What are the odds that every IP address that views the instructions isn't quietly noted and, possibly, investigated?

2. Is the posted instruction set a honeypot or a genuine sign of ineptitude on the part of the poster?

3. Has anyone verified that the instruction set is valid?

4. How difficult would it be to actually do anything with the information without being tracked the entire time?

As long as the person accessing the page was from Europe or North America tracking could be easy, depending.

But I can tell you many times computer investigation go absolutely dead and end in places like Russia and Korea as well as a few other countries, they can track them no further. And with unsecure wireless everywhere and hackers being as talented as they are. It can be hard to actually find who accessed the page. It is not all that hard to hide on the World Wide Web if you know what you are doing. But I will admit the US Government; particularly NSA has some pretty sophisticated systems. But what can they do if the trail ends in anywhere in the Middle East, Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, South America, etc.
Xue Sheng,

Good points. I have an idea. They COULD just take the page out of circulation AND maybe not post that stuff on public, or easily accessible, sites anymore. There would, of course, have to be studies done which, of course, would be done by the lowest bidder.

Eh, I guess we're probably just screwed....

I've gotta go pickup some more aluminum foil..... :D
Xue Sheng,

Good points. I have an idea. They COULD just take the page out of circulation AND maybe not post that stuff on public, or easily accessible, sites anymore. There would, of course, have to be studies done which, of course, would be done by the lowest bidder.

Eh, I guess we're probably just screwed....

I've gotta go pickup some more aluminum foil..... :D

foil and duct tape...DON'T forget the duct tape. :)
Hmmm, I first read about it (* Atomic Bombs *) in a book in the Library. It gave crude designs on the history and first designs used.

While I agree that I would not want just anyone to be able to create one, I find it hard to believe that the idea can be kept to just a few.

Then again look at South Korea and their tests, that are reported not to have gone as well as thought. But it is a nuke, and missing my a little is fine. :(
Never mind, it would be pointless to take this further, I know your stance and sadly nothing will ever change it. Besides you missed the point and went the easy, and in my opinion pointless, political route and threw in a few flamable unrelated topics to avoid dealing the problem all together.

You may be surprised to find someday that not all the bad guys wear black hats.

But at least you didn't disappoint me and gave me the answer I expected.


Well, that felt good.

But I deleted it before I get banned.

Stop calling me names, please.
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Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

Lisa Deneka
MartialTalk Super Moderator
As I understand, building the weapon isn't that complicated. I mean, geez, my 14 year old understands the basic principles. It's getting the materials that make it difficult. Used to make it difficult, anyway...

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