McDonald's sued for marketing Happy Meals to children

Heres a wacky idea... if you just CAN'T be a parent and say no to little Johnny or Sally, go to McDonalds, get the damn Happy Meal, hand the food to a Homeless person, and give the kid the toy.

OOH, you caved into your rugrat AND helped a fellow human being. Whee!

Oh sure. Then you'd have homeless people suing McDonalds because of a homeless obesity epidemic. ;)
Very occasionally we eat McD's. It is inferior to our typical Belgian Fries shops but sometimes it is just too convenient not to (Belgium is the only country in the world where they can't turn a profit). Anyway, we don't buy happy meals. Sure, they ask. And we say no.

If she can't even say no to a happy meal, then that pretty much spells 'doom' for their puberty years. But of course, in America everyone is entitled to their day in court and with lawyers being allowed to work for a percentage of the loot, it doesn't hurt to try.
You have to read the above links. This woman works for a California Governmental office who's job is to make people into vegetarians.

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