Maurice Elmalem

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
This guy's add is in every issue of BB magazine and TKD Times that I read and it always catches my eye. Not because of what he's doing or what the add says, but because the center pic of him breaking a cinder block looks just like George W. Bush. The one pic looked so much like him to me that I did a double take; was the president involved in the martial arts to promote his health plan or something? Or perhaps he just wants everyone to know what he could do to them if they throw shoes at him.

The reason I posted it is because I checked out his website and watched his video. In the less than two minutes that I saw, his technique looks solid, his kicks are superb, and he's breaking boards, ice, and jumping through flaming hoops! Anyone familiar with him? His name is Maurice Elmalem. Here is the link.

And please, no W rants, please, as this is the general martial arts forum, and no rants about video instruction vs. in person instruction; there are several threads embroiled in that subject already in various places here on MT, and if the material is worthwhile, referrence is the furthest my interest would go.

Well I watched one of his videos and it didn't seem terribly impressive. The self defense portions looked more like something you would see in the movies. His kicks seemed pretty good i guess and the breaking is just a promotional tool used by the likes of George Dillman. It doesn't look like anything particularly outstanding to me.

I am also dubious when people announce themselves as 7 time world champion but give no details as to the nature of the titles.

The same goes for the guinness world records in this area as they seem to give records for anything these days. If he was breaking concrete blocks then I could compare his ablilty to that of genuine world record holder (maybe not anymore but was in the past) Bruce Haynes who broke stupid amounts of concrete with a punch. I couldn't see this guy matching him as his waist is as big as one of Bruce's arms who was an absolute monster.

So basically he seems like a salesman to me

This guy's add is in every issue of BB magazine and TKD Times that I read and it always catches my eye. Not because of what he's doing or what the add says, but because the center pic of him breaking a cinder block looks just like George W. Bush. The one pic looked so much like him to me that I did a double take; was the president involved in the martial arts to promote his health plan or something? Or perhaps he just wants everyone to know what he could do to them if they throw shoes at him.

The reason I posted it is because I checked out his website and watched his video. In the less than two minutes that I saw, his technique looks solid, his kicks are superb, and he's breaking boards, ice, and jumping through flaming hoops! Anyone familiar with him? His name is Maurice Elmalem. Here is the link.

And please, no W rants, please, as this is the general martial arts forum, and no rants about video instruction vs. in person instruction; there are several threads embroiled in that subject already in various places here on MT, and if the material is worthwhile, referrence is the furthest my interest would go.


This looks like straight TKD to me. I have never had to break a board, kick through a flaming hoop or kick two people at the same time. If you trie this on the street you will loose. If you want self defense, go elsewhere. If you want to impress your friends with tricks, this looks like just the thing.
Years ago I saw him on ABC's Wide World of Sports in the big MA demo in New York that GM Aaron Banks used to hold. (I can't think of the name of the event.) He broke many sheets of glass with him elbow. It was quite impressive.

I think in that piece they said he was also a lawyer, or something. Beyond that, I don't really know any more than you do about him Daniel.
This guy's add is in every issue of BB magazine and TKD Times that I read and it always catches my eye.... because the center pic of him breaking a cinder block looks just like George W. Bush. The one pic looked so much like him to me that I did a double take...


Frankly, I was very disappointed. I just didn't see any resemblance between this guy and George W. Too bad! The thought of seeing W. shouting a kiai and jumping through flaming hoops cracks me up.
Looks can be decieving alot of the times, I will hold my judgment when and if I see him in person.
Frankly, I was very disappointed. I just didn't see any resemblance between this guy and George W. Too bad! The thought of seeing W. shouting a kiai and jumping through flaming hoops cracks me up.
The videos on his site don't show it as much, but the add in BB Mag and TKD Times has a center pic of him breaking a stack of something and in that pic, he really looks the part.


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