MartialTalk Gear - Would you buy it?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
I'm looking at several options for some branded items. Before I waste cash I can't afford, I figured I'd ask. :)

What if anything would you buy? What price range do you think is fair? I've looked at the "onesie" places like Cafe Press, but their rates are more than I care for. $15 for a mug, and MT would only get a buck. Same mug I can get through a promo-company, sell for $6 and make a couple of bucks...but I have to buy 50 at a time. Etc.

Tee shirts?
Uniform Patches?
Mouse Pads?
Bumper Stickers?

Thanks! :)
T-shirts would probably be better then jackets.

Usually what they do is give you a set up fee to create the screens, then charge you for the printing and the shirt. The screens they will keep, so you can often order lower volumes, and then more later if you need to because they will keep the screen and not charge for that again.

MA supply companies usually have a affiliate or do it themselves, so if you deal with one of those look there first. They might even let you do real small quantities at a time and stick them on just about anything. Gloves, headgear, uniforms, T-shirts, etc.

Although I got a feeling you'll have to put a design up before you get too many to commit ;)
Good idea, Bob. I've become a big fan of MT, and would buy just about anything with the MT logo: patches, mugs, bumper stickers, pins, t-shirts, etc. It's pretty warm down here in Central Texas so I probably wouldn't buy a jacket, but I'd definitely buy everything else. Since I live on a budget, you could probably count on me to buy stuff that's for $40 or less. :)
Patches, mugs and pins would be the stock logo, and the words "" tastefully wrapped around the logo.

Tees we did already, so the tshirt place still has the artwork, etc on file.
im up for buying something, there is a online stpre taht might be good for ya called there free kinda and i like um, though tehre shirts are a bit iffy
Kaith Rustaz said:
I'm looking at several options for some branded items. Before I waste cash I can't afford, I figured I'd ask. :)

What if anything would you buy? What price range do you think is fair? I've looked at the "onesie" places like Cafe Press, but their rates are more than I care for. $15 for a mug, and MT would only get a buck. Same mug I can get through a promo-company, sell for $6 and make a couple of bucks...but I have to buy 50 at a time. Etc.

Tee shirts?
Uniform Patches?
Mouse Pads?
Bumper Stickers?

Thanks! :)
I'd buy the Tee, Patch, and Mug if they were reasonable prices.

Look forward to seeing what you set up Kaith
He said he looked at CafePress already.

I'd do stickers, good giveaways. kids and scrapbookers are always looking for stuff like that.
oh look at that he did, i personally would do a 'onsie' type place untill there is a big demand for it then go to someplace more profetional, why by 50 mugs if no one wants one ya know? one of the great choices in life yep
I could definatley see Tshirts, stickers, prolly patches and mugs too!
I'd buy a mug. I lovvvvvvvve coffee. I browse MT every morning with my cup o joe.
I would definately do ones like they said above would be a plus. Probably a shirt too...

I wouldn't take anything unfort: our currency's so weak compared to USD that even cheap is expensive for me!

What's a "travel mug" anyway?
A travel mug is a large cup with a sealed lid so that if us Yanks drop it while driving... It won't spill all over our fancy shoes. NOw this of course brings us to the question: Can't you wait to get where you are going to have your coffee?

Answer: probably...but not likely. :idunno:

kroh said:
A travel mug is a large cup with a sealed lid

Ah, like the lady didn't have who sued McDonalds....*

There's me thinking it's some kind of folding contraption to fit in your overnight bag.

* excuse the question but are you Yanks really as litigous (spelling?) as the rest of the world thinks?
Sadly, yes. I've been threatened with over a dozen lawsuits myself In the last 2 years, most over small things that a friendly request would have easily solved.

Ok, if we did 4" patches, how much is a fair price? $9 US? More? Less? These are embroidered patches.

I'm pricing the other stuff now. I'm seeing a price of $15-$18 for teeshirts at the moment...need to do more research there.

I don't like the prices I got on the travel stuff at the moment...will be meeting with someone for business cards shortly that also does promo gear so will be asking them. :)
Actually Pakua...

It's worse! You need forms to fill out forms in case of papercut injury (joke). The problem here is that America has a big disease that is sweeping the nation...LAZINESS! This is also the reason you have so many paper tigers here in the states (people who say they studdied under so and so or have become a 10th degree supreme great grand master jedi), people don't want to do the work to get the result because they are LAZY! They would rather sue someone or be false and get rich by screwing over some one than actually being industrious and doing the work to acheive it. Lawyers who protect the rights and priveledges of others are a blessing. Those that have nothing better to do than to chase ambulances...I will not finish this statement as it would probably get me into more hot water than I am already in by posting this in the first place...

That aside, the travel mug ( back on topic ) would be an excellent promo item that i would definately buy. As I am an illustator in my life outside the dojo...I drink massive amounts of coffee while at the drafting board. A big mug would be a nice thing as well...

Last year I bought a heat press for tee shirts. The one I bought cost around $600. They have presses anywhere from about $300 and up. The start up is what cost the most. You will need shirts of course and heat transfer paper. Don't get the crappy paper from Wal-Mart. Get the Professional paper from who ever you buy the press from. Shirts when bought in bulk of 72 per case will cost you about $2.00 per shirt. By the time you get done with the shirt you have about $4.00 in it. Sell it for what ever you decided. I agree cafepress is too high, they make all the money and you get a couple of bucks here and there.

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