MartialTalk and the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Now I look around at all the various countries and various approaches to COVID. Everyone is experiencing a surge. I suspect there truly isn’t much that can be done.
Everyone is experiencing a surge. It was expected. A surge is the natural path of such things which is why they wanted to try to get it under control as soon as possible. There are people who study this thing all the time. They are completely absorbed the pandemics and viruses and are aware that pandemics run through reliable stages.

But everyone has to be on the same page when addressing it.

Masks help. The problem is that there are other ways you can be infected. This has always been known for any virus. Any area that has mucus or entry into your body becomes a point in which a person can be infected. Wearing a mask only restricts entry through the mouth and nose. It does not stop infection though the eyes and through secondary contamination like sticking putting contaminated fingers and hands on or in your mouth, nose, or eyes. People who catch colds and the flu even though they haven't been around anyone sick are most likely getting sick through these methods and not getting sick through breathing the virus in.

Kids in general get sick first for this very same reason. They are dirty, they pick their nose, put their fingers in their mouth and don't wash their hands. When my son was a kid, he would always get sick first, then my wife, who always hugged him, and then I would get it from her. That was the season expectation for all colds and illnesses in the house.
I'm so very sorry you guys in the US are struggling bigtime, hang in there and stay safe.

We just came out our second wave very recently (just in our little state, the rest of Australia were mostly okay). We went from increasing new cases (highest of 725 new cases in a day and many deaths relatively speaking), to absolutely zero new cases and zero deaths for the last 16 days straight. We went through pretty hard lockdown (and many people were not happy about it) and mandatory mask wearing when outside your home, and numbers dropped dramatically.

I really want to say 'if we can do it, you can too', but it may sound a bit cliche and generic. I'm hoping you guys can get there. It truly is a massive group effort, but it's the little things we each do on a daily basis that helps.

Thinking of you all; use everything you've learned in MA training to combat this.
We'll get through it once we get our act together.
herd inubity will eventually be the answer, as there is nothing else that will stop it, except a vacine whicj is herd imunity by another means,

this is the truth that all the exspwrts know, but they are rekuctant to state publicly for fear of the pokitical fall out
In the US, herd immunity is that you let everyone get sick, and the virus burns out because everyone is already sick with the virus.

1. The problem with that is that the more people the virus infects the more opportunities it has to mutate. So you may be immune to Strain A, but Strain B is new and you aren't immune to that. This is what happens with the flu.

2. There is no other virus that we know of in the world, where we say the best way to deal with it is for everyone to get sick. We don't do that with AIDS, We don't do that with Herpes. We don't do that with Hepatitis. If this was an actual answer then we would have done that a long time ago.

Herd immunity from the perspective that enough of us gets vaccinated is a different story and it's not how the U.S. government leadership sees it.

I agree with the vaccination approach when they eventually get the vaccination correct meaning there is no long term harm caused by it. The US. has been through that before where a vaccine cause a disease years later. The professionals who make Vaccines say that it takes them a long time to get a vaccine correct so that's the information I'm going on, which is why I'm highly cautious of an emergency vaccine.
people can always choose not to go to restaurants, as they can generally choose not to do most things
The US has proven that this is not the approach or thinking that you want to use. The reason why the US is in the position that it's in, is because people chose to go to restaurants.

The assumption that Human's do the write thing is naive. If that was the case then we wouldn't need laws, and even with laws people still do the right thing. Learn a lesson from what the US is going through who recently had 180,000+ new cases yesterday. There is no need to even debate such a thing.
In the US, herd immunity is that you let everyone get sick, and the virus burns out because everyone is already sick with the virus.

1. The problem with that is that the more people the virus infects the more opportunities it has to mutate. So you may be immune to Strain A, but Strain B is new and you aren't immune to that. This is what happens with the flu.

2. There is no other virus that we know of in the world, where we say the best way to deal with it is for everyone to get sick. We don't do that with AIDS, We don't do that with Herpes. We don't do that with Hepatitis. If this was an actual answer then we would have done that a long time ago.

Herd immunity from the perspective that enough of us gets vaccinated is a different story and it's not how the U.S. government leadership sees it.

I agree with the vaccination approach when they eventually get the vaccination correct meaning there is no long term harm caused by it. The US. has been through that before where a vaccine cause a disease years later. The professionals who make Vaccines say that it takes them a long time to get a vaccine correct so that's the information I'm going on, which is why I'm highly cautious of an emergency vaccine.
well rhats exaxtly how they controled measles mumps and chcken pox in this country before there was a vacine, kid got measles, have a measle party and invit all the kids in the area psrticularly with mumps, as getting it later in life can make you sterile, once youd had it you were set for life,

so its not that far fetched,

and sans a,vacine, its the only thing that will actually work, all lockdowns do is slow it down a bit

nb just about everyone has one of the two herpes viruses, its the most evolutionary succuess virus in the history of man kind, and goes back to before we were man kind
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The US has proven that this is not the approach or thinking that you want to use. The reason why the US is in the position that it's in, is because people chose to go to restaurants.

The assumption that Human's do the write thing is naive. If that was the case then we wouldn't need laws, and even with laws people still do the right thing. Learn a lesson from what the US is going through who recently had 180,000+ new cases yesterday. There is no need to even debate such a thing.
but its the land of the free and home of the brave, people should be free to be brave and go to restaurants,, the uk govenment was paying people to go to restraunts at one point

its like you want to take other freedoms off them, just stay home youl be fine stop telling others that they should be an neurotic as you are
well rhats exaxtly how they controled measles mumps and chcken pox in this country before there was a vacine, kid got measles, have a measle party and invit all the kids in the area psrticularly with mumps, as getting it later in life can make you sterile, once youd had it you were set for life,

so its not that far fetched,

and sans a,vacine, its the only thing that will actually work, all lockdowns do is slow it down a bit

nb just about everyone has one of the two herpes viruses, its the most evolutionary succuess virus in the history of man kind, and goes back to before we were man kind
I'm pretty sure people who had measles parties had very little understanding of the virus. Similar to how people in the U.S. were having Covid-19 parties.
its like you want to take other freedoms off them, just stay home youl be fine stop telling others that they should be an neurotic as you are
There are limits to freedom. No such thing as absolute freedom. When there is a deadly hurricane, they have mandatory evacuations that take away your freedom to be at home.. No one says that's neurotic.

When there is a fire and they make mandatory evacuations to abandon neighborhoods, they take away your freedom to be at home. No one says that's neurotic.

When a person's freedom causes great harm to society then that freedom is either taken away or restricted which is why we have laws. There is no such thing as absolute freedom. To have the that assumption is naive. I can list thousands of freedoms that you don't have and including some that you don't mind having taken away because it takes protects you.

People don't have the freedom to produce and sell any type of medicine they want as a cure. There are restrictions to that freedom and most people are happy that such restrictions exist.
The biggest joke about US history being the land of the free, is that the country has a long history of restricting and taking the freedom of others within it's own borders. People complain about wearing a mask or being asked to stay at home because of a pandemic as taking away their freedom. As if that's the worst violation of freedom, for your country to want it's citizens to stay safe during a pandemic.
I'm pretty sure people who had measles parties had very little understanding of the virus. Similar to how people in the U.S. were having Covid-19 parties.
but it worked exceedling well and was govenment advice, the kids going to get it, infect every kid at the same time
There are limits to freedom. No such thing as absolute freedom. When there is a deadly hurricane, they have mandatory evacuations that take away your freedom to be at home.. No one says that's neurotic.

When there is a fire and they make mandatory evacuations to abandon neighborhoods, they take away your freedom to be at home. No one says that's neurotic.

When a person's freedom causes great harm to society then that freedom is either taken away or restricted which is why we have laws. There is no such thing as absolute freedom. To have the that assumption is naive. I can list thousands of freedoms that you don't have and including some that you don't mind having taken away because it takes protects you.

People don't have the freedom to produce and sell any type of medicine they want as a cure. There are restrictions to that freedom and most people are happy that such restrictions exist.
ok list a thousand freedoms i dont have which i dont mind
This is simple. When the deaths have touches the lives of those who don't believe, either directly or indirectly. I heard a nurse today cry as she said 4 refrigerator trucks drove up because they knew that's how many people would die this week.

I don't know if this will give you hope, but Georgia used to be one of those places where I could see people not wearing a masks. A lot of times, I would see Hispanics not wearing the masks. I haven't been to the store in a long time, but today. I could tell tell the message and reality is sinking in. Before it was easy to see people without masks. Now I have to look really hard to see someone without a mask. I went to 2 different stores. An international super market where I saw everyone where a mask, and a hardware store where I saw only 2 people not wearing masks. Both were black males who seem to be fit, so my only guess is that they think it wasn't going to affect them as much if they got it.

There is no way the BS can survive, when we are almost getting 200,000 cases of Covid every day. Eventually people are going to hit that wall of reality and politics won't matter anymore. The biggest danger at the moment are those who think "herd immunity" is the answer. If everyone gets sick all at once then there's no one for the virus to infect. The problem is that "herd immunity " doesn't work that way, which is why farmers will kill off live stocks by the hundreds and thousands as a way to address certain disease out breaks. The only thing accomplished by everyone getting sick is that people will die and some will have long lasting effects. Things are always different "when it happens to YOU." Things will get change for the better when some of these knuckle heads join the " It happened to ME" group.

Just keep being safe and protecting yourself. Wear a mask. Don't touch your face when you are out, always have hand sanitizer on hand. Sanitize your hand before you grab the inside of your car. I put sanitizer on wipe the bottle with my wet hands then spray some more on and wipe my hands. If I touch something in my car before cleaning my hands then I'll wipe where I touch. I don't touch my face or rub my eyes when I'm out. I'm a person who had a habit of touching my face, so I broke myself out of that habit.

Bovine livestock have not been 'slaughtered by the thousands' to address a disease in over a century. I think what you are referring to is the large scale culling of animals by producers to prevent taking an economic hit due to the downturn. These are usable, healthy, harvestable animals that were culled earlier than planned or not used for reproduction.

A very, very different thing and a good example of how media information is spun, misunderstood, and misused.

The closest thing I can think of that fits your comments is that in recent years the poultry industry has had incidents of large scale death from Marek's disease, a form of herpes. Marek's has been around a very long time in poultry and the only way to deal with in in a large scale is to dispose of the diseased animals. They cannot be harvested in any form.
Still a very different thing from your incorrect comments.

Here is something else cattlemen & women do Not do related to your point. We are very, very, very careful not to needlessly or overly use medications to prevent resistance. It has happened at least 10 known times in the last century in cattle, leading to large scale die-off and huge economic losses.

IF something is causing this virus to mutate I would more believe it is the current overuse of sanitizers by humans. Something that frankly worries the hell out of me, more than catching the virus itself.
Bovine livestock have not been 'slaughtered by the thousands' to address a disease in over a century. I think what you are referring to is the large scale culling of animals by producers to prevent taking an economic hit due to the downturn. These are usable, healthy, harvestable animals that were culled earlier than planned or not used for reproduction.

A very, very different thing and a good example of how media information is spun, misunderstood, and misused.

The closest thing I can think of that fits your comments is that in recent years the poultry industry has had incidents of large scale death from Marek's disease, a form of herpes. Marek's has been around a very long time in poultry and the only way to deal with in in a large scale is to dispose of the diseased animals. They cannot be harvested in any form.
Still a very different thing from your incorrect comments.

Here is something else cattlemen & women do Not do related to your point. We are very, very, very careful not to needlessly or overly use medications to prevent resistance. It has happened at least 10 known times in the last century in cattle, leading to large scale die-off and huge economic losses.

IF something is causing this virus to mutate I would more believe it is the current overuse of sanitizers by humans. Something that frankly worries the hell out of me, more than catching the virus itself.
well they have here, three times in 40 years, twice to foot and mouth and once to mad cow disease

yes excessive cleanliness is very bad for you, got to keep your immune system up and running
well they have here, three times in 40 years, twice to foot and mouth and once to mad cow disease

yes excessive cleanliness is very bad for you, got to keep your immune system up and running
I was speaking of the US but I had forgotten how bad Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy was in Europe in the 80's & 90's. Something like 5 million cattle were slaughtered to prevent the spread confirmed in about 1/4 million head.
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