You don't need 100% vaccinated (or otherwise immune) in order to achieve herd immunity. But, really, why are you worried? You're arguing both sides against the middle. On one hand, you're very laissez faire about the virus in general and accusing folks of overreacting to the danger. And now you're arguing against the vaccine because you might get the virus? LOL. You're all over the place, jobo. I recommend you do more reading. I and others have provided links to a lot of information. I think it would really help you understand the situation if you took a little time to check out those links.
i have checked them and they dont dispure what im saying at all, just no, i doibt the people postibg them have read them or they would know that and stop waisting everybodies time
im unconcended about the virus coz i have a,robust immune system and a very very small chance of beibg seriously ill let alone dead, as have the vast majority
on the larger point the shut down is not stoppibg the virus, thats true of the UK it may be different in semi rural backward places like austialia and norway, as you may soon find out for yoursrlf when you get the lock down you desire and thibgs get worse.
people are clinging to the vacine as it gives them hope there is an end in sight,, it wont happen at all soon, if it happens at all and if they theow caution to the wind and,syart vacinating all in a frantic effort to stave of fancial calapse, they may well find that kills more than not vacinatibg at all
the vultmrable can issolate if they want, there is no escape if they stick it in yoyr arm
im not antivax in anyway, but if you consiser the history of it, there have been some monumental cock ups, im not hopeful this will be different with the scrapping of adequate testing and certification, in fact it looks odds on