Martial arts photography


Black Belt
I have a martial arts related event tomorrow that I need to photograph. As we all know, people jumping around and flailing their limbs in a range of fashions is difficult to capture on camera.

What settings do you guys (and gals) recommend for getting the best results with a digital camera? Lighting is an array of flourescents indoors, dark outside. See my video of stick defenses in the MT video section to see what I mean.

PS My camera is a Canon A620 if anyone has any experience with it.
Take a few test shots before hand and see how the color comes out.

Set it for Auto first, test, then try Fluorescent mode and test again.

Try the "Kids and Pets" setting, since that might be a high speed one.

Also, if you are used to shooting manual, try these: Shutter 1/1000 Appature F/2.8. ISO 200
Use Flash if you can but be careful not to wash out the subjects.
You may run into dark backgrounds.

If you can't use flash, you can try using ISO 400, app F/2.8, though the higher ISO may introduce some noise to the pics.

Also, check here, it may have a few other tips.
To add to Bob's suggestions I would also say you might try a slightly slower shutter speed as well at times to get that blurred trailing movement look, like when someone is doing a flying side kick or move of a similar nature.
i'm not sure if you have it, but when i take pics at tournaments, I tend to use the setting that allows you to hold down the button, and it takes a picture every x seconds, which gives you a better chance of getting that perfect one. I tend to avoid flash, and use zoom as little as possible
good luck

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