Martial Arts Style and Personality





..Activity Level...........63



The above rings very true to me.















Goodness, am i that disorganised? Hilarious to see that my "Achievement-striving" outstrips my "self-discipline"... far too true...








Unsurprising since i live with an anxiety disorder.



..Artistic Interests.......88





Also unsurprising considering that i am a painter! (artist-type painter)

I practice Ba gua zhang mainly, along with the associated CMA stuff that goes with the territory (Bit of Xing Yi here, Taiji there, Long fist for externals etc).
Extraversion: 7
Yeah, I'm the life of the party (Uh, what party?) Really, to me 'small talk' would be something along the lines of, oh, a legal deposition. :cool:

Agreeableness: 28
Tough, critical, uncompromising? Only on the outside :D

Conscientousness: 62
My boss would be shocked. But then, anything short of perfection is..., well, less than perfect. I know, because he's told us so many times. ;)

Neuroticism: 51
Am not, am not, am not! :tantrum:

Anger: 84
. Good thing I've mellowed over the decades :wink2: And, it's offset (I think, if I'm reading this right) by:

Vulnerability: 6.

Openness: 38
To others you appear well-educated but not an intellectual.... What the...? :boing1: And to think I wanted to be like Exile when I grow up. Well, he's only four years older than me anyway, so it was all a figment of my:

Imagination: 64

Artistic: 9. No wonder I could never make those little cork earrings to sell for cub scouts (anybody even know about cub scouts any more?). :lol2:

I've practiced Western wrestling, boxing, street fighting, Hapkido, Shaolin Kempo, more street fighting (no wonder I'm not an intellectual--too many chin blocks), and Kung Fu San Soo.

Fun test. Thanks Jade Tigress.
Extraversion: 72
Agreeableness: 68
Conscientousness: 83
Neuroticism: 0
Openess to Experience: 90

Well aren't I the healthy specimen ;)
I train in MMA and also Aikiwa-Jitsu.
Openess to Experience......60

I don't know what this means, but I'm not going to worry about it :lol:
I take TKD because the school is so close, and so good, and so perfect for my kids as well, but if I had my choice I'd study a CMA. I think I'm bound for Tai Chi at some point :D

You're doomed! :D

No CMA schools in your area?

My area is too large ;) I'm actually looking right now for a CMA school in Manhattan, near where I work. I've currently got a 5 hour daily commute, so that eats into my available time. Witht he TKD near my home, I can go witht he kids and watch them, they can stay for my class, etc. IT's really perfect for what it is. It's a little tough for a 45 year old beginner though :lol: I'm looking and I'll eventually find something. Part of me still wants to grow up to be Kwai Chang :D