Martial Arts Style and Personality





..Activity Level...........63



The above rings very true to me.















Goodness, am i that disorganised? Hilarious to see that my "Achievement-striving" outstrips my "self-discipline"... far too true...








Unsurprising since i live with an anxiety disorder.



..Artistic Interests.......88





Also unsurprising considering that i am a painter! (artist-type painter)

I practice Ba gua zhang mainly, along with the associated CMA stuff that goes with the territory (Bit of Xing Yi here, Taiji there, Long fist for externals etc).
I'm not sure if I like this test... :(
Extraversion: 7
Yeah, I'm the life of the party (Uh, what party?) Really, to me 'small talk' would be something along the lines of, oh, a legal deposition. :cool:

Agreeableness: 28
Tough, critical, uncompromising? Only on the outside :D

Conscientousness: 62
My boss would be shocked. But then, anything short of perfection is..., well, less than perfect. I know, because he's told us so many times. ;)

Neuroticism: 51
Am not, am not, am not! :tantrum:

Anger: 84
. Good thing I've mellowed over the decades :wink2: And, it's offset (I think, if I'm reading this right) by:

Vulnerability: 6.

Openness: 38
To others you appear well-educated but not an intellectual.... What the...? :boing1: And to think I wanted to be like Exile when I grow up. Well, he's only four years older than me anyway, so it was all a figment of my:

Imagination: 64

Artistic: 9. No wonder I could never make those little cork earrings to sell for cub scouts (anybody even know about cub scouts any more?). :lol2:

I've practiced Western wrestling, boxing, street fighting, Hapkido, Shaolin Kempo, more street fighting (no wonder I'm not an intellectual--too many chin blocks), and Kung Fu San Soo.

Fun test. Thanks Jade Tigress.
Openess to Experience......60

I don't know what this means, but I'm not going to worry about it :lol:
I take TKD because the school is so close, and so good, and so perfect for my kids as well, but if I had my choice I'd study a CMA. I think I'm bound for Tai Chi at some point :D

You're doomed! :D

No CMA schools in your area?

My area is too large ;) I'm actually looking right now for a CMA school in Manhattan, near where I work. I've currently got a 5 hour daily commute, so that eats into my available time. Witht he TKD near my home, I can go witht he kids and watch them, they can stay for my class, etc. IT's really perfect for what it is. It's a little tough for a 45 year old beginner though :lol: I'm looking and I'll eventually find something. Part of me still wants to grow up to be Kwai Chang :D