Black Belt
It's an optimization with many constraints for me. Sure MMA is conceptually appealing to me as it throws in allowed techniques, especially grappling and throws. But it violates one constraint, and that is that while like to learn about fighting systems, I do not want to do it at the expense of risking picking up too much damange, especially to my head. So kyokushin seems like a nice balance for me. I can eat some pain, but risking long term damage, no.
My feeling is that what is lacking the MOST from kyokushing in self defense is not head shots (I feel I could quite easily adapt to that in real situation), but combining the striking and kicking art is more tricksy as I know from wrestling that the optimal very low stance is quite difference from the normal karate stance; your arms are also more prepared to grapple than to block or punhc. That would be good to train, and probably quite a challenge!
My feeling is that what is lacking the MOST from kyokushing in self defense is not head shots (I feel I could quite easily adapt to that in real situation), but combining the striking and kicking art is more tricksy as I know from wrestling that the optimal very low stance is quite difference from the normal karate stance; your arms are also more prepared to grapple than to block or punhc. That would be good to train, and probably quite a challenge!