Martial arts of the future!


2nd Black Belt
I was thinking about how farm impliments evolved into Kung Fu weapons, and how many of today's uniforms are representations of what was once worn. Then I thought, what about the DISTANT future?

My thoughts then turned to Madd Maxx, a post-apocolyptic future where fuel is even more at a premium than it is now and firearm ammunition is limited. The drastically diminished population and mass destruction has slowed humanity's ability to pull itself back onto its feet and technogical development would find itself at a stand-still. In the intervening centuries in an every-man-for-himself world, hand to hand combat would be common. Perhaps some of our ancient martial arts may have survived, but without much basis people would need to re-discover h2h combat arts, and even create systems much like what we know as karate or kung fu. Perhaps inspiration will come from jackyls or wolves and they'll develop animal forms based on marauding pack animals or anything that has shown a knack for survival in this treaturous, fallen earth. I can see "ancient" tools like the crow bar or other bits of scavenged machinery like motorcycle drive chains evolving into standard weapons complete with forms. Fast forward another thousand years, and humans are back on top, the gene pool is once again robust and technology is again developing. The now ancient martial arts they developed would still be practiced, just as we now practice thousand year old arts. Uniforms might represent what they used to wear, perhaps baggy denim and blue mechanic shirts with their names on it, and they'll faithfully practice classic arts like "Iron Vulture" and elaborate forms utilizing the crowbar. The possibilities are endless!

Well, at least.. I enjoy thinking about it. =)
HKphooey said:
How about the deadly art of BBQ tools! :)

Oh yeah! To leave the temple however you have to pick up a flaming hot gas grill with your forearms and move it out of the doorway. A person with "Webber Grill King" branded on his arms is regarded with much awe.

You could put Cyborg I, with Van Damme in the same Mad Max kind of thing. I don't know what animals would be the insipiration or how new styles would develop. It is an interesting thought however.

"Your feral cat form is no match for my abandoned chihuahua style!"

"Oh yeah? Well we'll see how you fare against my inner and outer crescent wrench techniques!"

"Ha ha. You stand no chance against my spinning hubcap of death!"
This is an awsome thread. You guys Rock!

I would have to go with the theory that in the future, people will encoporate firearms training into the martial arts (or the other way around...look at the Marines!)

In the future there could be martial artists like the Gramaton Clerics from Equilibrium (movie). Utilizing the movements of the Gun Kata they keep the peace. GUN KATA!



Shaolinwind said:
Oh yeah! To leave the temple however you have to pick up a flaming hot gas grill with your forearms and move it out of the doorway. A person with "Webber Grill King" branded on his arms is regarded with much awe.

When you can snatch the bratwurst from my hand you will have learned!
kroh said:
This is an awsome thread. You guys Rock!

I would have to go with the theory that in the future, people will encoporate firearms training into the martial arts (or the other way around...look at the Marines!)

In the future there could be martial artists like the Gramaton Clerics from Equilibrium (movie). Utilizing the movements of the Gun Kata they keep the peace. GUN KATA!

Excellent, that is something that crossed my mind. It would be cool because as previously mentioned, ammo is limited. How about a modified short barrel shotty with a bayonette, or a heavy club-like sleeve around the barrel so it doesn't dent or bend while bludgeoning the crap out of someone with it... You get just a couple shots, use them well.. The rest of the time, you're hacking (or smashing) away. And I am totally into the kata idea.. Strike, strike, kick, thrust, parry, Bang!
Hey mister Shaolin :) hey I think the Mad Max thing was just a reflection of the time wasnt it? .. 1960s 1970s 1980s were full of cold war paranoia and whatnot and so there were a lot of these sort of visions.. and but I think nowadays the post apocalypse might come in the wake of the devastation caused by biowarfare.. Q Fever cholera anthrax.. you name it we stockpile it and never worry what was signed up for on the BWC.. pffft.. and so I guess that is how come we got zombie genre films like Resident Evil taking over from those apocalyptic visions past like Escape from NY or whatever.. sorry oooh BIG digression Jenna.. shut up pretend it wasnt you.. la dee da dee da.. :)

So anyways.. if were sayin it aint gonna be a place fer Zombie-jutsu and if all remains to us in this above post apocalyptic vision is BBQ spatulas crowbars broken garden rakes broom handles and miscellaneous knives and blades then I think the Arnis boys and gals gonna seriously RULE! Ha! :)

But it is ok.. at least I know where there is a half decent stash of AK-47s confiscated by the Met and I fully intend to use em to equip my new model army. No ammo tho so in order to complete the coup and overthrow the government we will have to just flail the guns around wildly hoping to lamp our opponents over the head with the butt .. I can maybe procure some bayonets tho if thats any good.. ok so who is with me? Come on now.. dont tell me theres not a mercinary among yous?? the rewards are immense.. Ill feed yous all chocolate fudge cake and espresso and you get a free uniform and hat just like McDs.. come on now.. dont have me to start enforcing conscription all over again, ha! Come the revolution I tell ya.. come the revolution! then youll see, LOL :D

Yr most obdt hmble srvt
Colonel Jenna
Jenna said:
Hey mister Shaolin :) hey I think the Mad Max thing was just a reflection of the time wasnt it? .. 1960s 1970s 1980s were full of cold war paranoia and whatnot and so there were a lot of these sort of visions.. and but I think nowadays the post apocalypse might come in the wake of the devastation caused by biowarfare.. Q Fever cholera anthrax.. you name it we stockpile it and never worry what was signed up for on the BWC.. pffft.. and so I guess that is how come we got zombie genre films like Resident Evil taking over from those apocalyptic visions past like Escape from NY or whatever.. sorry oooh BIG digression Jenna.. shut up pretend it wasnt you.. la dee da dee da.. :)

So anyways.. if were sayin it aint gonna be a place fer Zombie-jutsu and if all remains to us in this above post apocalyptic vision is BBQ spatulas crowbars broken garden rakes broom handles and miscellaneous knives and blades then I think the Arnis boys and gals gonna seriously RULE! Ha! :)

But it is ok.. at least I know where there is a half decent stash of AK-47s confiscated by the Met and I fully intend to use em to equip my new model army. No ammo tho so in order to complete the coup and overthrow the government we will have to just flail the guns around wildly hoping to lamp our opponents over the head with the butt .. I can maybe procure some bayonets tho if thats any good.. ok so who is with me? Come on now.. dont tell me theres not a mercinary among yous?? the rewards are immense.. Ill feed yous all chocolate fudge cake and espresso and you get a free uniform and hat just like McDs.. come on now.. dont have me to start enforcing conscription all over again, ha! Come the revolution I tell ya.. come the revolution! then youll see, LOL :D

Yr most obdt hmble srvt
Colonel Jenna

Nope it's going to be JUST LIKE mad maxx complete with ferel kids and gay mohawk guys... If I have to cause a nuclear war myself!! (I'll get right on that).

Good idea giving your henchmen uniforms, that's fun. But their morale will be low when they discover Columbia was wiped off the face of the earth along with all their coffee plantations. I strongly suspect your butt-army will easily crumble under the might of the Radioactive Rat Clan! :uhyeah:

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