Martial Arts - It's Not Just for Damaging Someone


Nov 7, 2007
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I attended a college football game this Saturday, As I was coming up a row of steps to find my seat, a middle-aged lady was walking down the steps in the opposite direction when she tripped and lost her balance and was about to fall precipitously. I quickly crossed my left arm in front of her waist to check her fall and then stepped to her rear to brace her weight backwards - not a small feat since I crossed over in front of the guy immediately behind her and I was actually going UP a step at the same time.

She thanked me for saving her from a fall. I was happy to do my good deed for the day, but upon later reflection I was bemused that my right arm had also come up on her shoulder in preparation for making a choke. Luckily I checked my physical instinct, LOL.
I attended a college football game this Saturday, As I was coming up a row of steps to find my seat, a middle-aged lady was walking down the steps in the opposite direction when she tripped and lost her balance and was about to fall precipitously. I quickly crossed my left arm in front of her waist to check her fall and then stepped to her rear to brace her weight backwards - not a small feat since I crossed over in front of the guy immediately behind her and I was actually going UP a step at the same time.

She thanked me for saving her from a fall. I was happy to do my good deed for the day, but upon later reflection I was bemused that my right arm had also come up on her shoulder in preparation for making a choke. Luckily I checked my physical instinct, LOL.

Pretty cool story! I bet she was more thankful that you didnt choke her than save her from the fall.... :D

When I come home from the dojo, my dogs leap on me. I often have to practice a gentle low block from Kusanku kata to ward them from spearing my wedding tackle accidentally.
Hey, Choking Ladies on Stairs is a Righteous use of MA.
Lets not pretend we dont all do it!
Hey, Choking Ladies on Stairs is a Righteous use of MA.
Lets not pretend we dont all do it!

LOL! That made me laugh. I dont know why and its a little sick...must be a case of the Mondays (which the only cure is of course more cow bell)

LOL! That made me laugh. I dont know why and its a little sick...must be a case of the Mondays (which the only cure is of course more cow bell)

Daw, its hardly a crime to find things Funny.
Tis only Thoughts :)

And it conjures a brilliant mental image.