Martial Arts Inspirations

Who are some martial artists who inspire you?

I'll start (In a random order)
1. Hwang Jang Lee - His kicks are fast, flexible and agile, but powerful too. Plus, Taekwondo!
2. Billy Blanks - He's the TaeBo guy, I grew up doing some of his workouts)
3. Jackie Chan - His Acrobatics are amazing, his flexibility and skill inspire me to take up an acrobatics course one day.
4. Donnie Yen - Ip Man, need I say more?
5. Michael Jai White - He's one of my favorite African American Martial Artists next to Billy Blanks.
6. Austin St. John - Yes, aka Jason the original Red Ranger. He had this leader-like presence that made him perfect for his role, and inspire me. Not to mention his Martial Arts skills are phenomenal.
7. Jeff Speaksman - I never studied Kenpo or Goju Ryu Karate, but he makes me want to take a look at it. His fast and coordinated hand strikes and his deep fighting stances had me amazed.
8. Walter Emmanuel Jones - He played Zack/The Original Black Ranger. He combined dancing, acrobatics and martial arts together in a spectacular package. Not to mention he's got a great personality since he's funny, witty, and just expressive. He's next to Michael Jai White and Billy Blanks as one of my favorite African American Martial Artists.
9. Steven Lopez - Olympic TKD practitioner for the USA, pretty good if you ask me.
10. Kenji Midori - I love his Kyokushin Karate skills. I watched his videos on YouTube.

Last but not least:
10. Chuck Norris - His humility inspires me, and he loves to poke fun at the "facts" about himself. I read his book, "Against All Odds" and his story was like my own in a way. Not to mention he does Tang Soo Do, which I want to look at sometime. He took almost every discipline like Shito Ryu Karate, Brazilian Jujitsu, Wrestling, Boxing, and Tang Soo Do and made his own style. I find that commendable. Finally, he's a Christian, which makes him a massive inspiration to me since I am a believer myself, and I appreciate how his moral and spiritual integrity trickles into aspects of his life. It's helpful to see another believer living like that.
Who are some martial artists who inspire you?

I'll start (In a random order)
1. Hwang Jang Lee - His kicks are fast, flexible and agile, but powerful too. Plus, Taekwondo!
2. Billy Blanks - He's the TaeBo guy, I grew up doing some of his workouts)
3. Jackie Chan - His Acrobatics are amazing, his flexibility and skill inspire me to take up an acrobatics course one day.
4. Donnie Yen - Ip Man, need I say more?
5. Michael Jai White - He's one of my favorite African American Martial Artists next to Billy Blanks.
6. Austin St. John - Yes, aka Jason the original Red Ranger. He had this leader-like presence that made him perfect for his role, and inspire me. Not to mention his Martial Arts skills are phenomenal.
7. Jeff Speakman - I never studied Kenpo or Goju Ryu Karate, but he makes me want to take a look at it. His fast and coordinated hand strikes and his deep fighting stances had me amazed.
8. Walter Emmanuel Jones - He played Zack/The Original Black Ranger. He combined dancing, acrobatics and martial arts together in a spectacular package. Not to mention he's got a great personality since he's funny, witty, and just expressive. He's next to Michael Jai White and Billy Blanks as one of my favorite African American Martial Artists.
9. Steven Lopez - Olympic TKD practitioner for the USA, pretty good if you ask me.
10. Kenji Midori - I love his Kyokushin Karate skills. I watched his videos on YouTube.

Last but not least:
10. Chuck Norris - His humility inspires me, and he loves to poke fun at the "facts" about himself. I read his book, "Against All Odds" and his story was like my own in a way. Not to mention he does Tang Soo Do, which I want to look at sometime. He took almost every discipline like Shito Ryu Karate, Brazilian Jujitsu, Wrestling, Boxing, and Tang Soo Do and made his own style. I find that commendable. Finally, he's a Christian, which makes him a massive inspiration to me since I am a believer myself, and I appreciate how his moral and spiritual integrity trickles into aspects of his life. It's helpful to see another believer living like that.

I had to correct one...
OK, I'm a man and a martial artist for 35 years and appreciate Donnie Yen, Jet Li, and of course Bruce. There's actual fighting ability and performance ability and many of those we see are actors who train in martial arts for their role in a film. As far as Inspiration? Ziyi Zhang just slays me with the grace of her movements - watch her exchange with Tony Leung in the Grandmaster brothel scene or simply practicing Baguazhang in the snow at the end of that film. No one moves like her.
Bruce Lee and David Carradine and before you all start laughing I now know David Carradine was not a true martial artist but when you are 7 or 8 years old watching Kung Fu on a 19" TV you thought he was so I was inspired. Funny thing about both Bruce and David, they were trained dancers, which I believe helped them on screen. Today my favorite is Jet Li and Donny Yen as both are very good on screen and both are very versatile, I believe because they both started very young.
Bruce Lee and David Carradine and before you all start laughing I now know David Carradine was not a true martial artist but when you are 7 or 8 years old watching Kung Fu on a 19" TV you thought he was so I was inspired. Funny thing about both Bruce and David, they were trained dancers, which I believe helped them on screen. Today my favorite is Jet Li and Donny Yen as both are very good on screen and both are very versatile, I believe because they both started very young.

It was supposed to be Bruce Lee in Kung Fu, but Carradine got the role. So it was Bruce's vision, but it was David we all grew up with. I think anyone who now does martial arts who grew up with that show would see it as an inspiration - at the time, there was nothing else like it. I never missed it! Also, I think there's a close relationship between dance and martial arts - at least in terms of being 'arts'.

Is Bill Wallace still teaching?

We have watched some of his videos on sparring.

He used to compete in the same organization that my son does.

Last I heard, Bill Wallace was still doing seminars. In his seventies now, two hip replacements, still kick you upside the head in the blink of an eye.

As to this thread - I've been inspired by a lot of people. But it wasn't their talent that inspired me, it was their demeanor.
Last I heard, Bill Wallace was still doing seminars. In his seventies now, two hip replacements, still kick you upside the head in the blink of an eye.

As to this thread - I've been inspired by a lot of people. But it wasn't their talent that inspired me, it was their demeanor.

Just a chip in - but, yep Mr. Wallace is still doing seminars - I had
the privilege of attending one last year and - not kidding - every
Master Instructor he faced while demonstrating took a kick in the
head, that they knew was coming and they still couldn't block it!!
He is amazing!! ..also, very funny!! :) When we weren't kicking,
he was making us crack up left and right!
It was supposed to be Bruce Lee in Kung Fu, but Carradine got the role. So it was Bruce's vision, but it was David we all grew up with. I think anyone who now does martial arts who grew up with that show would see it as an inspiration - at the time, there was nothing else like it. I never missed it! Also, I think there's a close relationship between dance and martial arts - at least in terms of being 'arts'.
I too was inspired by the show. I liked the way the fight scenes went down with Carradine, I wonder if Bruce had gotten the role, if the fight scenes would have been ridiculously unrealistic like in his movies.
Right - Bruce was so full of energy and that amazing ability - it would've made for a different show. I liked Carradine's quiet, buddhist demeanor and that he was always barefoot - his martial arts style was unique and elegant.

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