Martial Arts in Sci-Fi and Fantasy #10 - How to make an art simple or complex?

I just had another idea for this. An art where the techniques are taught, but the core principle obscured until the very end. So when you get that core principle, you have to relearn everything about the art. For example:
  1. You train the forms. You train them specifically based on movements, and are not given any application. You must master all of the forms before the application is revealed.
  2. You then learn the first layer of the application. It is a game, or sport, based on clinching and tagging marked spots on your opponent's uniform. This game serves no martial application, and mastering this game will teach you absolutely nothing about fighting.
  3. You then learn how to apply the game in a martial setting. The marked spots correspond to pressure points and leverage points, and the martial application is one that involves using these points to control your enemy. The forms and the game must be relearned and remastered with this new application in mind. But you're only going to be good at fighting against people who use this martial art, because you've learned nothing about how to apply it to a real fight.
  4. You then learn how to apply the martial game into a real fight. Once again, everything must be re-learned with the new application in mind.
As an equal enthusiast for Martial Arts and Fantasy, I've enjoyed this thread! Love the depth of the culture you're putting into your writing. Focusing a little upon the Martial Arts of each race adds a variety and level of uniqueness peculiar to a somewhat familiar setting from what I'm gathering anyway. In most cases of the genre, elves are often woven as having an intrinsic aptitude for magic. While Orcs embody the simplicity of hand-to-hand physical combat would the elves in your conjured universe have a fifth level added to the intricacy such as magical or mental martial arts?

My mind is diverging into two separate branches of thought with this. For example, if magic in your world played more an outward role you could consider the greatest warriors among the elves (who are also characteristically in tune with nature) endowed with the ability to alter the elements with their martial arts perhaps giving us something like the cartoon Avatar: the Last Airbender's elemental based abilities through martial arts. I recall that in many martial arts as well as modern fantasies fighters are able to channel inner energy through forms are key. Perhaps this energy could be exploited in a more fantastical way for your combat.

Conversely, another thought could be that two elven warriors, having gone through such rigorous re-learning stages can mentally review (perhaps even with some psionic connection) the different outcomes of the fight. Someone mentioned Sherlock Holmes earlier but the vision in my head is more similar to the 2002 Jet Li film Hero, where the protagonist squares off against Donnie Yen's character Sky and the majority of the choreography is done in the minds of the two characters. They are having several real battles it appears but within the sanctuary of the mind, exploring the possibility of every strike and counter.

Take what works or none of it. Just spitballing what comes to mind and once again love the concept and direction for this.

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