Martial Arts In Action!!

Being a Parent of Teen agers I am more upset with everyone standing around and encouraging the fight.
Viewer discretion? Hell, Intellegence Discretion.

Just another link to morons proving why the gene pool needs some chlorine in it.
Nothing to do with martial arts.
Moron arts maybe, but not martial.

Hey, can someone post some BumFights, or the Cops outtakes?
Now that is some serious martial arts in there.

Wait...let me have a couple more cans of losers-koolaid.
Maybe it will be more 'martial' then.

Still stupid people being stupid.
Bester said:
Viewer discretion? Hell, Intellegence Discretion.

Just another link to morons proving why the gene pool needs some chlorine in it.
Nothing to do with martial arts.
Moron arts maybe, but not martial.

Hey, can someone post some BumFights, or the Cops outtakes?
Now that is some serious martial arts in there.

Wait...let me have a couple more cans of losers-koolaid.
Maybe it will be more 'martial' then.

Still stupid people being stupid.
Yea, its safe to say that they are not martial artists lol. I though it was pretty funny though so I posted it. Thats the kind of stuff I normally see livivng next to a highschool in the bad part of town. But hey, at least they were not trained, then they would have really hurt each other instead of having a slap fest, I seen a few good chances for a rear choke hold, good thing she didnt know how to do that ofr it could have been serious. I like to watch two people go at who dont really know what they are doing, its very amusing to me :lol: because normally no one really gets hurt, just a couple scratches and bruises, then all is well.
I post some more common street fighting stuff if I run across it.
Raisin said:
Looks like he might have been a gymnist!!!!!! Quite pretty to watch, wicked flexibility!
I'm assuming you mean the capoeira video. If you are, you're right, those guys were gymnasts, not capoeiristas. Except for maybe the guy in the black pants, he actual threw a couple of kicks. The other two, nope. It's guys like them who give capoeira a bad name. That's why people believe it is not effective, because of guys like them. Watch this one:

The guy with the dreads (Instructor Esquilo) is my instructor, the darker guy (Instructor Borracha) is his youger brother.

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DeLamar.J, thanks for showin these sites!
jackie chan stuntman, not really martial artistry, but interesting to watch, and beats the **** outta that capoeira guy!
Here is a article about Aikido to go with the vid

What is Aikido?
Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed in the early 20th century by a Japanese martial arts expert: Morihei Ueshiba (often referred to as O Sensei or 'Great Teacher'). Its techniques originated in the throws and joint locks of jujitsu, where an attacker's strength and momentum are used against himself, and from sword techniques (kenjutsu). Emphasis is placed on absorbing and redirecting an attack rather than blocking or parrying. Aikido methods are often used in women's self defence classes since they do not rely on strength. Unlike many other martial arts, the aim of Aikido is to subdue rather than to maim or kill an opponent.

Aikido is a way of defence. Although it may seem contradictory with the concept of a martial art, the underlying philosophy behind Aikido is one of peace and harmony. ('Aikido' may be translated as 'The Way of Harmony with the universe or spirit)'. It teaches the importance of achieving mental calm and control of one's own body in order to master an opponent's attack without causing them unnecessary harm.

Many different styles of Aikido have evolved from O Sensei's original teachings. Only one, Tomiki Aikido, involves any form of competition. Aikido training is of a co-operative nature rather than antagonistic, with performer (nage) and the reciever (uke) working in partnership.

The art of receiving a technique is termed ukemi. Where possible, Aikido throws are absorbed by rolling rather than mat slapping breakfalls. Ukemi are an important part of training since they permit uke to safely absorb the application of a technique and also condition the body. Good ukemi requires flexibility, fitness and awareness.
Very cool movies, love to see more of them! I always learn a lot from watching martial artists do their magic and am amazed with the flexibility of some of those guys. The one thing I don't understand is the entire concept of point-fighting but that's another thing, there seems to be no thought to what happens after the point-scoring technique, for many it would be the end of the discussion.. (anyways I'm sure that topic has been talked to death already).
The fight stops when the fight really starts, after the first hit.
Did anyone see the Segal vid? Aikido is so cool. My master has rank in Aikido but I never seen him do it.