Hawkins Kenpo Ju Jitsu Rocks The Battle of Baltimore!!!!


Master Black Belt
I'd like to congratulate two of my Ju Jitsu students for doing an excellent job competing at the Battle of Baltimore Tournament. With well over 200 competitors (from at least 5 states that I counted there) and at least 40+ in the Grappling Divisions my team made me very proud. Dennis Kelley (Winner of the LTKKA 2006 Grappling Division) placed 2nd in the Men's heavy weight division and 3rd in the Men's absolute division with a couple of submissions along the way. This was despite having very noticeable problems with dehydration and exhaustion (Lesson learned for Dennis "Drink and Eat before you compete!") as we had to have the EMS crew look at him. Dennis, you've got alot of heart my man! My other competing student of the day and big brother Jesse Jackson (yes that's really his name) took 1st place in the Men's Middle Weight Division with a bunch of submissions and one match won on points in overtime despite being his first grappling competition in Gi (he prefers No gi or MMA events). Great job guys.

We also had a blast cheering on some guys from other schools that were showing alot of heart in their other matches including one Judo guy that was throwing EVERYONE (despite being one of the smallest in the absolute division) and one Ju Jitsu/TKD guy (Pablo Rodriguez) that we dubbed "iron man" because he was simultaneously competing in every weight class despite being a Light Weight. He finished 2nd in his division and 3rd in the Middle Weight Division.

I'd also like to say Great Job to Mr. James Frederick and Mr. Paul White of Frederick's Kenpo Karate. Both men took 1st place in their respective Forms Divisions.

YouTube vids coming soon....

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