Tougher gun laws = Harder for "law abiding" citizens to protect themselves from criminals.
Not to pull this off topic, but... no. That is not supported by any case study or reality at all. In fact, quite the opposite... less tough gun laws make it easier for criminals to get guns, making it more likely that they would be used.
We don't have a gun problem in the United States we have a people don't give a @#$& about innocent life problem.
You have a gun culture problem. That then exacerbates the other issues. But yes, you have a gun problem... but it sometimes seems that only the US can't see that. Or, at least, certain factions in the US.
How many people die every day at the hands of a drunk driver? Does the car get the blame? The alcohol? The drunk gets the blame. But let somebody shoot a group of people and the blame goes FIRST to the weapon.
Which is a completely different situation (a car is not designed to kill, a gun is, so the simple purpose of the item changes things immediately)... but, of course, there are very strict rules in place about drink driving, as well as safety measures that are legally required for cars, and so on... in other words, irrelevant, and, well... no.
Again, thank you for your opinion, its welcomed.
It seems you're responding to my comments, but there's no quote, so just in case, I'll respond to this as well.
I've actually been in 3 street fights, fun but dangerous... Luckily there were no weapons involved usually in situations like that... Usually the case is the other guy retaliates with gun shots because of shame.
I've actually lost a couple of my guys from gang violence starting from a fight ending in gun fire.
"Fun"? Hmm. And the pattern starting to form isn't really a good one here....
I was never a thug, but always in the wrong place in the wrong time.
Then you need to work on where you're going and your awareness. That's not just being aware of what's around you, it includes being aware of what's ahead of you, and whether or not you want to follow the path you're on...
In one particular fight though I wasnt expecting any of it, the dude tied to punk me out because I looked more harmless than anyone else... I ignored him of course, but dude invaded my personal space... at that time my guy shouted "just whoop his *** Tim" adrenaline began to pump through my body and I handed my dude my car keys (the guy is shouting at the side of my face the entire time) and as I began to take out my earrings... BOOM a punch, the dude snuck me. I didn't fall or stagger or anything just wasnt expected... obviously... SO then I turn towards him and he throws another punch but I grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him towards me and we ended up in a scuffle... I had him in some kind of "street clinch" and I was just letting him have it, so he tries to escape but I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him towards the side of the car, I mercilessly gave him 2 haymakers (left,right) before he ducked and scrambled to this girls front lawn, I then tackled dude... and was in a street mount??? I was done at this point... tired... no cardio/stamina... The dude reached out and scrached the side of my face then I threw a right punch that had to hurt, I threw another one and missed... because I was so tired. His dude tried to jump in but man it was like 8 of us so they let him have it...
None that impresses me. In fact, quite the opposite. Let's recap:
You were being challenged, and succumbed to pressure to fight, were preparing to fight, were getting ready to launch an attack, and then complain that the other guy got in first? You overwhelm the other guy, but don't disengage when he tries to get away, instead prolonging the fight, and when his friend tries to step in your eight guys "let him have it", and this reads as if you feel it was justified? But you're not a thug, right...
This is nothing but fail, and nothing you've been asking about (being physically strong etc) are really any advantage here.
Now, thats just one example... but I had 2 other fights the other in a college dormitory a bully type guy again... picked on me because I am the happy go lucky always smiling nice guy that takes a lot of crap. Long story short, he was making fun of me I tried to leave the room, he started shoving me then I snapped... I was in fight mode and then all of the sudden he didn't want to fight, but its waaaay too late at this point. He was 5'11 225 lbs mind you we were all college football players but at that time I was 5'9 185lbs but my strength was greater than his... anyways... I remember him pushing me back as I was stalking him, then he wrapped me up a bear hug type, but my arms were to my side... he then proceeded to slam me, but somehow IDK the dudes in the dorm didn't know how I escaped it and landed on him... well at this point, im in street mount again... then the ground and pound began... I was not stopping so his dude came and pushed me off... the bad part about it was after the fight he came back and hit me with a massive haymaker that floored me, my back was turned and i was in mid conversation with my guy Dante and all I remember is a quick flash and everything went in slow motion... I remember falling into Dante's stack of nike shoe boxes and then falling to the floor... face flat... but I got up instantly but I was dazed and couldn't remember what just happened... I was pissed because he ran and locked himself in his room after he did that, but I was even more pissed off at my "boys" for not stepping in... They claim they were all shocked and didnt expect it wither, but I was just angry at the time...
Yeah... this is just kids and ego. Frankly, you come to me with these stories, and I probably wouldn't train you. Unless you showed a lot more maturity and growth in the way you described things than you do here.
And, again, nothing in here would be noticeably helped with your requests.
Now from those 2 experiences the only reason I had advantages was because of my athleticism and strength even though it wasn't planned, my body triggered its defense/survival mode...
Those weren't what got you through.
I was good until I got knocked down which again no one can prepare you for...
So for me, I need to stay in physical shape, what if I wasn't strong physically in those situations... then what????
What if I wasn't athletic(God-Given)
There are a huge number of variables. What if you weren't so eager to fight? What if you weren't such a hothead? What if they had a weapon? What if you didn't have numbers on your side? What if you actually understood what social violence was, and what the monkey dance was all about?
In other words, what you think was the most important was actually a minor aspect.
I'm saying, I know what works for my body, been in it for 27yrs now and the better shape I am in the healthier I am in overall...
I will do weapons training, but again... there were no weapons available to me in those 2 situations so I had only to rely on my physical attributes...
No, you don't know what works for your body. You've made some assumptions that aren't actually backed up by your stories, and you aren't aware of what's really important.
I used that term "self-defense" because OP did. I would never use that term myself.
I know where you took the term from, but you specifically made a statement (question) implying a connection between sports and competition, and self defence. I counter that there really isn't a connection (refuting your claim), to get caught up in whether or not you'd use the term is irrelevant, you did, and have not answered the question I posed to you.