Brown Belt
Hello all, I just got back from a visit with a relative (nephew) I hadn't seen in a while. He has a great, smart, inquisitive four year old. He really is a super kid, but he is, well, a handful. My nephews wife brought it up to my wife that they have taken him to a doctor but my nephew is against medicating him, especially at such a young age. I can understand that. As we were headed out of town my wife told me about this. I really think martial arts could help this kid, so, how do I bring this up? They live in a city, so there is no shortage of schools or styles for them to choose from. Anybody have any recommendations for what kind of place to look for? This kid has an overabundance of energy, and though he is really a great kid, he also has a little bit of a mean streak, so that might factor into what kind of style to choose. I brought this up here because I've gotten a lot of great advice from this site and the knowledgeable people who come here.