Training in Mass/NH area


Senior Master
Hi all, just a quuick question about the training facilities around Pepperill, MA (Just below Nashua, NH). My nephew is 6 and has expressed an interest in the MA's. My Mother-in-Law called today and doesn't know where to start to even look. I told her I would post the question here because there are a bunch on the forum from the Mass/NH area it seems.

So, little help here please, a nice place to train with a kids program somewhere in the Pepperill, MA - Nashua, NH area? Thanks in advance!

He is a very good kid, but can be somewhat of a handfull at times. I would suspect him to be a bit ADHD, but do not know if he has been diagnosed as such. Either my Sister-In-Law or Mother-In-Law would be there with him for classes. I don't think there is any real prefrence as to the particular art at this time. Probably a TKD, or such would be best.
Hi all, just a quuick question about the training facilities around Pepperill, MA (Just below Nashua, NH). My nephew is 6 and has expressed an interest in the MA's. My Mother-in-Law called today and doesn't know where to start to even look. I told her I would post the question here because there are a bunch on the forum from the Mass/NH area it seems.

So, little help here please, a nice place to train with a kids program somewhere in the Pepperill, MA - Nashua, NH area? Thanks in advance!

He is a very good kid, but can be somewhat of a handfull at times. I would suspect him to be a bit ADHD, but do not know if he has been diagnosed as such. Either my Sister-In-Law or Mother-In-Law would be there with him for classes. I don't think there is any real prefrence as to the particular art at this time. Probably a TKD, or such would be best.

Scott our school has something that would be ideal for your nephew.

It's a 6 week program geared specifically towards children with attention or learning concerns. The parent/guardian of the child attends class with the child so the family can practice on the child's activities at home. Our instructors developed it in conjunction with an educator that trains at our school.

The program is called "Stick to it" and from what I understand, we have recieved some very positive feedback. It's more targeted towards improving learning skills than what is usually found in kids MA programs. I hope your sister-in-law has a chance to talk with May or Rebecca about the program...I think it's fascinating.

Here is some info:
Tokyo Joe is the big fish in this little pond. He's got studios all over the area. I make no ascertion as to the quality of the training. I think they are a Tae Kwon Do shop.

There was a woman who opened an American Kenpo studio in Milford. I think she was either a first or second dan from Doreen Cogliandro's lineage. I think her studio is Morning Star - maybe.

Independent Karate has a couple of schools in the Nashua area. I don't know what (or if) their kids program is like. But, it was a pretty physical school (rough), if I understand correctly.

Mike Hogan's Kenpo Karate is in Hudson, NH. That's where I study. Great School. Real good Kids program. American Kenpo. But, Hudson is a bit of a hike from Pepperell ... on the opposite side of Nashua, so you have to deal with traffic. Mr. Hogan teaches Ed Parker's American Kenpo under Huk Planas.

I should probably also mention Len Brassard's school in Fitchburg, MA. I believe Mr. Brassard has a pretty good reputation.

Superpages lists these three schools in Pepperell --- I have no knowledge of what they do.

Gargas Karate ...
Luth's Family Karate ...
Mike Rozumek's Uechi Karate ... 978 433 8620

Does anyone know about these schools? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Mike Hogan's Kenpo Karate is in Hudson, NH. That's where I study. Great School. Real good Kids program. American Kenpo. But, Hudson is a bit of a hike from Pepperell ... on the opposite side of Nashua, so you have to deal with traffic. Mr. Hogan teaches Ed Parker's American Kenpo under Huk Planas.

Mr. Hogan has an excellent school. I've sat in on a few of his classes and taken a few private lessons from him. In the private lessons I've taken he's echoed examples that he used in the kids class, such as using a plate of spaghetti to help reinforce whether a movement should be palm-up (the spaghetti is on the plate) or palm-down (the spaghetti is on the floor). :D
Thanks for the replys so far. I think your school in Salem may be a bit too far Carol, but am going to tell her about the program for sure. Mr. Hogans school is only 12 or 13 miles away so that may be a great option as well. I hope they find something that fits their needs as well as everybody here has. I would love to swing by a couple of these as well when we go to visit.
I go to Gargas Academy. The kids there have a great time. Besides the martial arts, Greg (the instructor) has them do things like relay races & dodgeball at the end of class - it's like gym class. He allows them to wrestle around (supervised) as well, since he teaches BJJ as well as Kenpo. The dojo is large & matted. I'd recommend the school to anyone.
I go to Gargas Academy. The kids there have a great time. Besides the martial arts, Greg (the instructor) has them do things like relay races & dodgeball at the end of class - it's like gym class. He allows them to wrestle around (supervised) as well, since he teaches BJJ as well as Kenpo. The dojo is large & matted. I'd recommend the school to anyone.

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