Martial Arts and Self-Esteem Survey

Welcome to MT, I think we need more information before we click onto a random link. I don't mind surveys, I know students use them but I also like to know who it's for, what it's for and what happens to the information.
I agree with @Tez3. I clicked on it/completed it because I saw it was a surveymonkey link, and there wasn't anything particularly identifying in the questions, but more information will probably get you more responses.

The main question of the survey itself is also a very nuanced subject, that I don't think can be really grasped by just a question "it had positive/negative effect on my self-esteem".

Off the top of my head, a better option would be to create a survey focused around the rosenberg self-esteem scale, then ask standard demographic questions, and group the results by length of training (along with possibly consistency and frequency of training), to determine the a more well-rounded answer to your question.
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For those wondering -- it was reviewed, in the sense that we're confident nobody's being scammed and it's not likely to spam you or hack you. How good it is? Eh... As always, click at your own risk.
I don't appreciate how there's only male and female options for the Sex category
I don't appreciate how there's only male and female options for the Sex category

I didn't look at the survey but you're right if that's the only choice.