Martial Art Abbreviations


Drunken Master

:rolleyes: I am relatively new to Martial Talk and I seem to be getting a little confused about some of the abbreviations people are using, e.g. JKD, FMA, etc TSD.

Could someone post a list of all the abbreviations with their meanings.

JKD -jeet kune do
TSD- tang so do
TKD -tae kwon do
JMA-japanese martial arts
CMA -chinese martial arts
FMA-filipino martial arts
I'm sure I missed some but those are the most common I've seen
EPAK .. Ed Parker's American Kenpo .. AK is also used.
These aren't that common around here, but it never hurts to know:

BJJ - Brazilian JiuJitsu
MT - Muay Thai
VT - Vale Tudo
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts
TMA - Traditional Martial Arts

Strange, but I've never heard anyone refer to Korean martial arts as KMA, but I hear JMA/CMA/FMA all the time. Usually the specific art is stated. I just now noticed that.:confused:
So a quick recap then;

JKD - jeet kune do
TSD - tang so do
TKD - tae kwon do
JMA - Japanese martial arts
CMA -Chinese martial arts
FMA - Filipino martial arts
EPAK - Ed Parker's American Kenpo
AK - American kenpois also used.
BJJ - Brazilian JiuJitsu
MT - Muay Thai
VT - Vale Tudo
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts
TMA - Traditional Martial Arts

Do we have any more?
I'm pretty sure I've seen TCC = Tai Chi Chuan or TJQ = Taijiquan before, but I don't think that's used much around this board. I think I've also seen GJJ to specifically mean Gracie's Jiu Jitsu, but I could be wrong. You might want to check on that before including it in the list. I don't know a lot outside of the area(s) I'm currently studying. Just wondering if including VT = Vale Tudo would mean things like UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship could be included. Are they similar enough to include all similar events or are they different enough to include some but not others? I thought they were all similar things, but I don't really know. That's about all that comes to mind right now. You've already covered the other basic ones I've seen around.
Originally posted by KumaSan

These aren't that common around here, but it never hurts to know:

BJJ - Brazilian JiuJitsu
MT - Muay Thai
VT - Vale Tudo
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts
TMA - Traditional Martial Arts

These will sometimes be used in the Grappling and Muay Thai fora here, though MMA isn't discussed that often.

Strange, but I've never heard anyone refer to Korean martial arts as KMA

I agree. We do that here, though, in the KMA-General forum.
I've seen NHB used quite a bit in other forums.
No Holds Barred
Originally posted by Dronak

Just wondering if including VT = Vale Tudo would mean things like UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship could be included. Are they similar enough to include all similar events or are they different enough to include some but not others?

They are all pretty similar, but Vale Tudo is the term generally used as an "umbrella" for all of them. I guess you could say that Vale Tudo is the "style", and things like the UFC, Pride, etc are the events.
Ah, OK. I didn't realize that. As noted, I'm not too familiar with stuff outside what I'm personally studying. I'm not sure why I forgot about NHB though; I've seen that one around often enough.
Glad to help clear it up. Personally I don't like to use NHB, but that has nothing to do with this conversation...
MJER - Muso Jikiden Eshin Ryu
TSKSR - Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu
BBT - Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
IRT - Instinctive Response Training
MA - Modern Arnis
PTK - Pekiti Tirsia Kali
MA80 - Modern Arnis 80
WC - Wing Chun
WT - Wing Tsun

There are lots more but those are just some off
the top of my head.
There's an art called Northern Praying Mantis which is abbreviated as NPM.

But I didn't know that there were so many abbreviations... :p
bit of self promotion? ;) heheh... good stuff :)

Just a little!
However that is the abbreviation that we use.
WMA: Western Martial Arts
HEMA: Historical European Martial Arts
HES: Historical European Swordsmanship
RMA: Renaissance Martial Arts
KDF: Kunst des Fechtens

Best regards,

MSK = Moo Sul Kwan

so, MSK TKD = Moo Sul Kwan taekwondo


MSK HKD = Moo Sul Kwan hapkido
