It just occured to me that I am frequently using abbreviations that new members and beginners may not know what mean. Therefore, I will post some common ones with their meanings. More experienced members - please help me out here with some of your own. Moderators and Administrators, feel free to add your own WITHIN my original post so that they are at the top, if you wish.
Martial Art's Abbreviations
MA - Martial Arts
TKD - Tae Kwon Do
TSD - Tang Soo Do
WC- Wing Chun
CMA - Chinese Martial Arts
KMA - Korean Martial Arts
BJJ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
JJJ - Japanese Jiu-Jitsu
KM - Krav Maga
RMA - Russian Martial Arts
MA - Modern Arnis (depending upon context used)
MT - Muay Thai
Net Abbreviations Commonly Encountered
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
ROFL- Roll On the Floor Laughing
OP - Original Poster
Martial Art's Abbreviations
MA - Martial Arts
TKD - Tae Kwon Do
TSD - Tang Soo Do
WC- Wing Chun
CMA - Chinese Martial Arts
KMA - Korean Martial Arts
BJJ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
JJJ - Japanese Jiu-Jitsu
KM - Krav Maga
RMA - Russian Martial Arts
MA - Modern Arnis (depending upon context used)
MT - Muay Thai
Net Abbreviations Commonly Encountered
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
ROFL- Roll On the Floor Laughing
OP - Original Poster