Mark Bishop's Okinawan Karate: Teachers, Styles, and Secret Techniques

I had friends go to Okinawa in 1989. So, I was going on that. Ah, inflation. Still, the taxes on merchandise comming from Japan into the US is high. I would rather pay $156.00 than $250.00.
Inflation thats for sure. I paid $83.00 for my first shureido gi in 1993 that was brought back for me from Okinawa. Now thats unheard of.
Inflation thats for sure. I paid $83.00 for my first shureido gi in 1993 that was brought back for me from Okinawa. Now thats unheard of.

Not really - just depends on what weight/quality of canvas you want. Shureido still has some gi in that price range. The light canvas gi don't last as long, but they do dry a lot quicker in the hot & humid weather, and they are lighter and fold more compactly for travel.:)
There are no kata in Motobu Udundi (the proper name of Choyu Motobu's lineage). Even the kata people see during demonstrations with Uehara Sensei are a recent (30 years) incarnation used to provide a medium of practice in Meutudi and Mutudi (principles of Udundi) and koneridi.

Interviews with Uehara Sensei tell of he and Choyu Sensei being asked to demonstrate during enbu but they never demonstrated Udundi (its secret, afterall). They would instead demonstrate Ufukun (Kusanku-like kata).

Motobu Chosei Soke teaches Naihanchi 1 and 2 as well as the juni hon Kumite. Of course there are other things taught, even saw Inaba Hanshi demonstrate Chinto, but the core of the curriculum is only these three items.

Upon Uehara Sensei's passing, the title of Soke was passed to Chosei Sensei, although the headquarters is still in Okinawa with Uehara's son. Therefore, Chosei Sensei is the Soke of both Nihon Denryu Heiho Motobu Kempo and Ryukyu Oke Hiden Motobu Udundi. Uehara Sensei left several Menkyo holders in Uundi.


Rob Rivers
Motobu Udundi
There are no kata in Motobu Udundi (the proper name of Choyu Motobu's lineage). Even the kata people see during demonstrations with Uehara Sensei are a recent (30 years) incarnation used to provide a medium of practice in Meutudi and Mutudi (principles of Udundi) and koneridi.

Interviews with Uehara Sensei tell of he and Choyu Sensei being asked to demonstrate during enbu but they never demonstrated Udundi (its secret, afterall). They would instead demonstrate Ufukun (Kusanku-like kata).

Motobu Chosei Soke teaches Naihanchi 1 and 2 as well as the juni hon Kumite. Of course there are other things taught, even saw Inaba Hanshi demonstrate Chinto, but the core of the curriculum is only these three items.

Upon Uehara Sensei's passing, the title of Soke was passed to Chosei Sensei, although the headquarters is still in Okinawa with Uehara's son. Therefore, Chosei Sensei is the Soke of both Nihon Denryu Heiho Motobu Kempo and Ryukyu Oke Hiden Motobu Udundi. Uehara Sensei left several Menkyo holders in Uundi.


Rob Rivers
Motobu Udundi

Pardon me for being confused, but...

There are no kata in the system, yet they demonstrate kata under the name "Motobu Udundi"? The system is secret yet it is promoted on websites and you post about it on an Internet discussion forum?
Mutudi is a concept, just as "muchimi" or "hikite" that cannot be explained on a forum as there is no way of putting a demonstration of the concept into the printed word. Mutudi practice is just that...mutudi practice.

While it looks like a kata, it is not. Think of a class of practitioners lined up, bowing, stepping forward into a lunge punch, doing it three times forward, turning, doing it three times backwards, turning, doing it three more times forward, and then bowing. It is hardly a kata. It is kihon. Aikido classes do it with ashi-sabaki practice. Kendo classes do it up and down the floor. Iaido classes do it with the kiri practice.

However, it is oftentimes called kata...I even call it kata sometimes...why? Because people want to do kata. But, after one's first class practicing these "kata", what I have just explained is told to the students and the students are then able to understand the concept.

It is important to note WHO is calling it kata...who is calling it "Motode 'Sanchin' " and all of the youtube terminology... it is the people posting the videos who DO NOT practice Motobu Udundi.

As for it being secret, the old adage that there are no secrets in the martial arts; there is only practice, practice, practice; is alive and well. However, of all the videos on the internet...and I have seen them all, there is not one that distinctly shows or explains what it is that is making the techniques work nor is it ever explained why. They are just demonstrations. These "omissions" or "misleading of the viewer techniques" are designed to hide the "secrets" (not really secret, just the internal principles of an art...all koryu have them).

The concept in Daito Ryu, for example, of the training ladder referred to as Aikijujutsu, Aikijutsu, and Aiki no Jutsu are a prime example of this method of koryu training. We have the same training stratification ranging from "Motobu Ryu" to "Motobu Udundi".

People watching a demo or participating in a seminar are shown and taught the "omote" side of a technique or series of techniques. But, the "kage" side is not taught openly and is taught internally at the dojo to actual members.

Your confusion is pardoned.

I am willing to answer any questions one might have concerning these arts. They are taught a little more openly nowadays. I am actually hosting and traveling a bit this summer teaching a "Motobu Family Martial Arts Seminar Series". Be more than happy to share the wealth with anyone interested.


Robert M. Rivers
Motobu Udundi Kobujutsu
6th Dan
I used to watch Uehara sensei training (throwing/locking up) his students at Sunset Beach on Sunday mornings here in Okinawa. What an interesting man he was! He dressed as if he were going to work in a garden (wearing his farmers hat and gloves, with street clothes on), while all his students wore gis. He was an amazing man with extraordinary martial ability (especially for someone as old as he was)!
A few questions I have is,
one, can you get a direct flight to Okinawa? How much?
two, I am planning a trip to Tokyo next march and I would like to visit Naha city while i'm there, anyone know how much a quick round trip flight from tokyo to Naha is?
three, does anyone have the street address for the Akemine dojo(ryukyu kobudo hozon shikokai)?
And last, is there a store in Naha where they custom make sai to your specifications? The shureido sai are fine, but I want a pair that is custom for me(weight,length,etc.) and I don't want to pay a fortune for them.
I realize this is a bit off topic.
One more question before I go, why is it that the Shureido black gi looks like it turns brown in photo's, or do they make a brown gi? I wear black uwagi for kobudo.
A few questions I have is,
one, can you get a direct flight to Okinawa? How much?
two, I am planning a trip to Tokyo next march and I would like to visit Naha city while i'm there, anyone know how much a quick round trip flight from tokyo to Naha is?
three, does anyone have the street address for the Akemine dojo(ryukyu kobudo hozon shikokai)?
And last, is there a store in Naha where they custom make sai to your specifications? The shureido sai are fine, but I want a pair that is custom for me(weight,length,etc.) and I don't want to pay a fortune for them.
I realize this is a bit off topic.
One more question before I go, why is it that the Shureido black gi looks like it turns brown in photo's, or do they make a brown gi? I wear black uwagi for kobudo.
Email me about the sai.
A few questions I have is,
one, can you get a direct flight to Okinawa? How much?
two, I am planning a trip to Tokyo next march and I would like to visit Naha city while i'm there, anyone know how much a quick round trip flight from tokyo to Naha is?
You can fly to Okinawa direct from Tokyo. JAL, ANA, and Skymark all have daily flights. If you are buying a USA--->Japan ticket, why not include a stop in Naha on that ticket? If you do want to pick up the ticket separately, all three airlines have online reservation systems to allow you to check dates and prices.

three, does anyone have the street address for the Akemine dojo(ryukyu kobudo hozon shikokai)?

677-3 Nesabu, Tomigusuku Shi, Okinawa, Japan, 901-0205
A few questions I have is,
one, can you get a direct flight to Okinawa? How much?
two, I am planning a trip to Tokyo next march and I would like to visit Naha city while i'm there, anyone know how much a quick round trip flight from tokyo to Naha is?
three, does anyone have the street address for the Akemine dojo(ryukyu kobudo hozon shikokai)?
And last, is there a store in Naha where they custom make sai to your specifications? The shureido sai are fine, but I want a pair that is custom for me(weight,length,etc.) and I don't want to pay a fortune for them.
I realize this is a bit off topic.
One more question before I go, why is it that the Shureido black gi looks like it turns brown in photo's, or do they make a brown gi? I wear black uwagi for kobudo.
1. Flights costs vary month-to-month (locally). I have no idea about international costs these days (I have not left the island in over 10 years). I can tell you this though, it would be much cheaper for you to buy your tickets several months in advance, if you were planning a trip in the summer. The summer season prices go way up due to tourism.
2. No idea on the sai, but if you are looking to have a pair custom made for you while you are here, they certainly will NOT be cheap. You are probably better off having someone machine you a pair, stateside (or wherever it is you live locally).
3. I have never seen a black shureido gi, but then again, I have never asked for one. Sorry, I know that is not very helpful. I can tell you though, that if they do, I am sure it is of very good quality (just like the rest of their products). I have been wearing the same gi (heavy weight masters series) for the past 11 years! It is getting a bit freyed now though.
Thank you for the information. I will ask Master Domeitrich about the location of the Akemine dojo. As far as the Black shureido gi. I really only want the top for kobudo. My plan is to go next March. I plan on visiting the Hirota store and the Tokaido store while in tokyo.
Then if I make it to Naha I will stop by the Shureido store.

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