Marine Military Police Training - Pepper Sprayed and Making Apprehensions

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Marine MP training at Fort Leonard Wood; the MP is sprayed full in the face with pepper spray and then has to subdue or hold off attackers with a variety of weapons. Cool video.

Yeah, I did that to, but at Camp Pendleton in the 1980s. Main difference was we used Mace, not pepper spray. I understand pepper spray is worse.
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This is my old unit...

That's 33 Area Combat Town at Camp Pendleton. I left a lot of blood in the dirt there once. Some of it mine.
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Nice clips Bill! :) I thought the guy in the 1st clip did a great job, under those conditions. Training of this nature, is, IMO, very important, if you're in the Military, LEO fields.
Went through the pepper spray in the face several times during LEO training. Man, it really burned the eyes and choked the lungs. I always hated it. But when you know it's just temporary, and it won't kill you, it's easy to wade through it and take down the sprayer. (easy being a relative term :) )

It's why I have no faith in pepper spray. Seen too many guys just bite the bullet and wade through it. And a lot of the young guys who couldn't make it through their first year, just plowed through in subsequent years. We cheered them the most.

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