
i think it was an allergic reaction to a pain pill that killed him. i don't think they correlated his thc levels to his death.


I would say it was the mixture of the hash and the steroids that killed Bruce but the sleeping pill may have been the straw that broke the camels back.

I personally have never smoked mull (aussie slang for weed) and don't really believe it has any place in the martial arts.

Please learn to use capitalization. Your posts are pretty much unreadable due to this and run-on sentences, and I generally just scroll on by...

I read it just fine.

It was a very insightful post actually, you should try read it again, Im sure a captial Letter here and there should not impair your ability to read that bad should it?
Hello, Those people who we know and have known? ....watching them effecting there lives with "drugs" .....


Look at those who never took drugs and compare them with those who do?

Who has the better and safer and a more enjoyable life? crime free too!

If you like yourself for who you are? ...most likely you will be "drug free" (illegal kind)

Stone is use for fishing......Aloha

Why just the "illegal kind"? You think "legal drugs" have no affects?

Just because Phizer lobbies congress to make their drugs legal and keep others illegal, doesn't make them essentially that much different.

There are plenty of "zombies" roaming around on legal stuff....more potent than some illegal drugs.

As a matter of fact, pain killers....legally prescribed....are more of a problem today than smokin' grass.

Not condoning either...just putting things in perspective.
Why just the "illegal kind"? You think "legal drugs" have no affects?

Just because Phizer lobbies congress to make their drugs legal and keep others illegal, doesn't make them essentially that much different.

There are plenty of "zombies" roaming around on legal stuff....more potent than some illegal drugs.

As a matter of fact, pain killers....legally prescribed....are more of a problem today than smokin' grass.

Not condoning either...just putting things in perspective.
Very good observation.

Elvis Presley could have used this advise, as legal drugs ruined a fine performer and MA enthusiast. He never felt that he had a drug problem because he used precription drugs. I would have much rather seen him quit music and have gone full out with Ed Parker and Kang Rhee than decline the way that he did. He would not have made as much money, but he would most certainly have had a healthier and happier life. Who knows? His marriage may have even lasted.

Elvis Presley could have used this advise, as legal drugs ruined a fine performer and MA enthusiast. I would have much rather seen him quit music and have gone full out with Ed Parker and Kang Rhee than decline the way that he did.


Basically because the thread cited specifically Marajuana.
First of all, wow!

Thanks for all the great discussion here, this is exactly what I wanted.

One thing I do have to make clear right away though is this: I personally don't train under the influence of anything. I guess I've run through my patterns a couple of times stoned, but never, never, NEVER in the dojang!

I'll be honest, yeah, I blaze. Not nearly as much as I used to, since I restarted MA and stuff I just don't...have the time for it I guess. That, and I'd rather my money go to better things, like moving me out of this podunk town and somewhere that I can get the training I really crave. Also, since my training restarted, I've entirely quit smoking cigs, much worse in my opinion and I don't care what anyone says there, cigs are nasty, evil and way harder to break from than silly ole' pot.

I guess a part of the reason that I asked this is because my 'friend' that trains stoned just happens to be my room mate, so I get alot of interaction with a stoned martial artist. I will say this, there is nothing slow about him, even stoned. I guess that comes down to that whole it affects us all in different ways thing, he's able to maintain his normal brain capacity (which isn't really alot to brag about!) and his reflexes are pretty decent.

Also, look at all the controvery I've created! BWA HA HA HA HA!!!
I guess that comes down to that whole it affects us all in different ways thing, he's able to maintain his normal brain capacity (which isn't really alot to brag about!) and his reflexes are pretty decent.

i believe it as it was the case with me. Might be a slight case however, of building up a resistance and being more high than stoned to the point of immobilization and eyes closing. Even the high comes on like a warp in spacetime continuum when one doesn't abuse it but still has it in ones system. i believe science calls this the negative tollerance of marijuana, ie, the more you smoke the less you need. however, if abused, i believe this is no longer the case.

Good point about quiting cigs...definately way harder to quit-i never would have believed it but true. About weed, my goal is to smoke around once every few months to once every 6 months. no smoking in public, at parties or with people i dont know too well. My goal is not to smoke for recreation but for spiritual experience-unless there's a special occasion with a special friend-maybe.

i used to smoke doing all sorts of activities, bottom line is, unless you smoke outside, brush you teeth and wash your hands after, people can smell the stink of it as can you yourself. Also, on people like myself, unless it is some crazy inebriating shait, for the most part, i can do just about anything. However, i am aware that one tends to lose focus, dream away and may well confuse minor things here and there, due to things like dreaming away or even hyperalertness. For example, some things are much easier when not stoned, obviously, and spoil the high or stone as well. Best to keep such things apart.

Being high or stoned all the time is like living in another world. Kindof sad, in a way.
I'm really happy that i can enjoy the world as it is now and even smoking is seeming like something more adventurous and meaningful now too.

What you do in your personal life is your business.
What you do in your personal life if it affects my class and your ability to train safely is my business.
Sounds like it should be a no-brainer but apparently, for some people, it isn't. Doesn't take a genius to realize you shouldn't train high. Aside from the slow reflexes, if someone lined up across from me and they were obviously under the influence, I'd be personally insulted.
Never did it, never will.
Does anyone here train drunk? Drive drunk? Use power tools while drunk? Shoot guns while drunk? No?

Well why would one train on pot when you know it messes your mind up. Just an accident waiting to happen.

As for drugs itself, the ONLY reason to take illegal drugs is if you are dieing of such as bone cancer. The pain is so bad even morphine won't stop it (yes I know that's illegal but if one of my family was screaming in pain I'd think real hard about that.)

The strongest drug I take is caffine in coffee and tylenol.. speaking of which, it's time for another cup of coffee!

I agree with the majority of the people on this thread. I would not train drunk (unless I was doing the drunken monkey stye...j/k) so why would I train stoned?
Some sayings of the karate/kung fu stoner;

*Hey man! Pass the bong-sao!
*Oh man, you spilled the bong-sao water on my rug!
*Dude! That was some killer shito!
*Charlie asks Joe, "Got some smoke Joe?" Joe replies "I got NunChuck".
*Man, am I hai.

Being older than most here I remember the days when many would come to the school after haveing smoked a little. My instructors view on it was "if thats your normal state then you had better learn to defend yourslef in it"
Now I am not saying he approved. HE did NOT. however he watched them closely and controlled what happened in class with an iron fist. If someone was way to stoned to be there they paid a heavy price for being stupid.
I heard him tell more thanone person " If you ever start to work out clean you will learn more and be one hell of a martial artist.

My personal thoughts on the subject are much the same as his. I do not want someone smelling up the room with their body oder or the smell of pot on their uniform but I will train them if they are able to preform and follow orders and not be a danger to others in the class.

Some of the best I have ever known in the arts where stoners at one time in their lives. We all change and grow in knowledge as we age and most look back at what we did when young and realise that someone took a great deal of time to trainus and culture us and guide us in our early days
Very good observation.

Elvis Presley could have used this advise, as legal drugs ruined a fine performer and MA enthusiast. He never felt that he had a drug problem because he used precription drugs. I would have much rather seen him quit music and have gone full out with Ed Parker and Kang Rhee than decline the way that he did. He would not have made as much money, but he would most certainly have had a healthier and happier life. Who knows? His marriage may have even lasted.


Okay, but worded the way that it is....

Basically because the thread cited specifically Marajuana.
.....your post as a response to mine makes no sense. I wasn't asking a question, but was responding to and agreeing with Cripler's post that mentioned 'legal drugs' and citing an example as to why.

And while the thread may cite merijuana specifically, it also deals with the associated subject of training while high or drunk.

From a liability stand-point, I think it ill-advised to allow anyone on the mats that do not have 99% of their faculties.... stoned on legal or illegal substances don't matter in the end if injury that could have been avoided results.

I don't give a rat's patoot what you do on your time if it's not harming anybody else, but trying to train without your head tied on straight is just plain dangerous. Not only to yourself, but to others as well.
All you martial artists that want to your thing stoned, come to Massachusetts, we just de-criminalized marijuana. Not quite sure what we were thinking...we must have been baked.
I don't smoke anymore but when I did, it made me want to train and since I lived in my dojo, I had moments when I just didn't want to be there. I took a few tokes and I forget about everything! I just hit makiwara, kumite, kata, and with lots of energy. I grew up with my Sensei so I couldn't hide it from him - he always knew but he also knew I how it affected me and that I never screwed up.

I tell you it was energizing for me.

It's been years now that I don't do it - wifey doesn't like it.. I'm whipped.

My experience is unique though. No one else I knew got that effect. Everyone wanted to slum around in someones house or just watch tv.