Adventures in Thailand 2

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
So last night I go out for dinner with my interesting friend Jak and his boyfriend... Yes that's right, he's a gay Thai Salsa champion, world class, ranked 13 in the the world. At first I thought he was a *****, you know, mean, bitchy and malicious like an exagerated jealous female, but now that I have gotten to know him he's actually a nice guy and not catty like I thought he would be. Although he plays it up sometimes and tries to act very girly, he speaks excellent english and is very intelligent and very funny. So him and his young boyfriend drive me outside Bangkok to this Seafood market restaurant that only Thai people go to and we sit down to a veritable feast. I'm talking HUGE shrimp the size of you hand, 20 of them, and 6 crabs and a big fish with crab fried rice. and it all tastes so damn good and extremely fresh. All this cost $50 Canadian, his treat. I'm having the best meal of my life and I'm sitting there thinking, would I be doing this in Canada? Having a great meal with 2 blatantly gay men? Salsa dancers of all things?! heh No probably not, but for some reason I deliberately limitted my life experiences in Canada... now that I'm in Thailand I seem to relax a bit and am less uptight. Anyway, everyday I'm constantly reminded of how good the food is here and if you love food like me, it can keep you in a constant high and state of happiness!

Last month they were shooting the movie Alexander here and I lost out on the opportunity to be in it... man what a drag. Directed by Oliver Stone and starring Colin Ferrel. A whole bunch of people I know are in this movie and if I had my act together and went the right route I'd be in it too, hard lesson for me. I learned quick that this a backstabbing and rough business to be in... and I'm not even in it yet!! haha. I trusted a friend to look out for my best interests only to realise that he sees me as competition and would never probably help me. I have to go it alone, shoulda done that from day one 4 months ago when I arrived here. AH WELL!

Near the end of the shoot I was at a bar at Conrad Hotel, and decided to leave early that night.... man what a mistake! After I left Colin Ferrel, Oliver Stone, Val Kilmer and Angelina Jolie walk in! Sucks to be me! haha Talk about bad timing, it would have been cool to meet and shake their hands.

Life is never boring here, whether good or bad, never boring.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I hope to come out to Thailand soon to teach English, so the stories you post are bringing me that magic from the Land of the Free.

I was in Koh Tao last month and agree with you, Thailand never bores! It rocks hard. A friend and I nearly got into a fight with another farang in a bar when his drink was accidently knocked over by my buddy. A little disagreement followed until my Thai buddy (all of 5ft6 and skinny-as-a-beanstalk) steps in waving a piece around like John Wayne. Quelle surprise! Thai dudes..they don't p-lay.

Koh Tah was so beautiful, and that goood. Like you I lost my heart out there, and I can't wait to get back.

Finally, do you know any Kung Fu schools in BK? I'd like to continue my studies. I wonder if there may be any schools in Chinatown as it's certainly big enough.

Peace and respect,

I don't know of any Kung Fu schools off the top of my head in Bangkok, I do go train in shaolin Karate once a week in Pattaya though. Sifu is a high ranked instructor in Sir de Gor kung fu. He is also the only farang to teach the military Muay Thai and also teaches them all kinds of other stuff from Sir De Gor. It's like a hybrid kung fu, karate, muay thai, submission grappling. I have been training martial arts for 14 years and have had many instructors, some good and some bad, I truly value what I learn at Sifu's martial arts school. If you contact me I can introduce you when you get here and you can see if you like it.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I was in Pattaya on new years. Man what a place, I'm with you and Nigel; my heart is still somewhere over in Pattaya. I am planning to try to get over there again next year. I'm also entertaining the thoughts of making a move out there for a bit in a few years. I currently train in 7 star mantis and would be interested in teaching over there. How's a guy get hooked up over there anyways? Good luck and good times!
Hi BigTiny,

Have you thought about teaching English? All you'd need is a TEFL qualification. You won't get rich, but there is a huge demand for teachers there. You could also teach Mantis in your spare time. There are few Kung Fu schools in Thailand (unlike Muay Thai), so the market could be opened.

Hit me up at if you need any info.

Follow your heart. Respect.
Now you need a university degree to officially teach english in Thailand (I know because I was going to do it for a while but it turned out to not be an option for me since I never finished my degree), you can try to get a job under the table but it's hard to get because if they get caught they can get shut down.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
So Damian, if you don't mind my asking (and forgive me if I have missed this answer in your previous posts), but what are you doing for a living in Thailand? Teaching MA? I met some people over there last Christmas that were from SoCal and had made the move over. They were working in the import business... They talked like it was possible to find some good opportunities over there. Peace
BIGtiny :asian:
Damian, I can only suggest that you may have been fobbed off, as you don't need a degree to get on a TEFL course. However, you do need the equivalent of 2 English A Levels (and be a native English speaker.)
We all know a degree helps, but my point is you can still do it without one.

TEFL is a fee paying/ongoing assessment-type course, so lets just say a very high percentage of those who are accepted, pass.

For more info, look at

Yes I teach martial arts for a living, basically in my field (teaching, action movies and fighting -- all martial arts related), there is more opportunity for me here.

Geometry, truth is Thailand is changing at a drasitc pace, they are constantly making it harder and harder for Farangs to work and do business here. Needing a degree to teach english in Thailand is a new requirement but a requirement all the same. I myself got in just under the gun for being able to teach martial arts through the ministry of education, as of this month now someone like me applying would need a degree just to teach through the ministry. (which is way better than teaching through the TKD association of Thailand). I got in just before that change. Seems like every month they have new regualtions and rules to make life difficult.

If you work under the table you can do anything you want, just don't get caught.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

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