Man arrested for not showing Driver's License

THAT'S winning??? Not in my book.

I agree, but apparently he chose not to sue for family reasons, which I respect. It's one thing to stand up for oneself; however, the possible repercussions for others need to be taken into account. I found the following somewhat disturbing.

  • I would not file a Section 1983 civil suit against the Brooklyn police department for infringing on my civil rights.
  • I would not make any disparaging remarks about the police department, with financial repercussions for doing so.
  • I would not discuss the details of this agreement.
These conditions were completely unacceptable to me...

How does one define a 'disparaging remark'? Isn't the ability to make a 'disparaging remark' part of the package in societies that value free speech?

Sidebar: I was purchasing some inkjet cartridges at an electronics chain store the other night with my wife. The loss prevention guy -- or whatever the heck they call him -- was stationed six feet from my checkout, and was staring at the transaction. As I walked out, I said to my wife, "I'm not showing this guy my purchases -- he was watching while I made them." As I sauntered by, the darn door alarm went.

I turned to the security guy, who said he would rescan my items to deactivate the alarm sticker. He could have just waved me on, but that would be too simple. Then, without even asking, he started checking my items against the receipt which I had left in the bag. I asked him, "Why do you need to do that? You just watched buy the the stuff?"

"Thank you, sir. Have a nice day."
This narcissistic individual didn't give a hoot about his family or the public in the vicinity when he blew a security check up into a constitutional and criminal issue.

More likely than a very newfound concern for anyone else, chances are that our hero got a bad forecast on both media spotlight and legal judgment from his advisors.

Calling a cop for help, and then making things difficult for the cop may be within one's rights, but it also makes one a giant lawn sausage.

Maybe we'll see this guy back on a 'reality' show... with Britney Spears, the whoopee cushion from the Kerry forum and one of the Jena 6 civil rights heroes..... but what to call it?

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