Malik Obama says his brother will be good president for the Jews

Respond by all means but without the inevitable slur against Obama surely.

I see. So calling an entire country a bunch of hate-filled bigots is okey-dokey, but pointing out that St. Obama's clothes seem rather transparent is a slur. Gotcha.
I see. So calling an entire country a bunch of hate-filled bigots is okey-dokey, but pointing out that St. Obama's clothes seem rather transparent is a slur. Gotcha.

Oh dear we are tetchy today aren't we.
I didn't call the country anything so don't get antsy with me.
I didn't say that calling a country a bunch of hate filled bigots was okay.
I didn't say BD couldn't defend his country against comments like that.
I did say couldn't Big Don make a point without putting Obama in the sentence and slagging him off.
Well, can't he?
Oh dear we are tetchy today aren't we.
I didn't call the country anything so don't get antsy with me.
I didn't say that calling a country a bunch of hate filled bigots was okay.
I didn't say BD couldn't defend his country against comments like that.
I did say couldn't Big Don make a point without putting Obama in the sentence and slagging him off.
Well, can't he?

So let me get this straight:

1. AoG makes a comment stating that the U.S. is a hate-filled and bigoted country.

2. BD defends the country by saying that this country is close to electing a black man as President. One that, in his opinion, has nothing to deserve the position.

3. Therefore, BD is on a rant.

And you last statment is disingenuous. Your original line was this:

I don't suppose you could just not vote for him and spare us the rants could you?

In other words, implying that BD should not say anything, and make his beliefs (not)known here through voting.

And here is another question. Why didn't you ask AoG if he could make his position known without slurring and ranting against the country?

Could it be that his position supports yours?
it's particuarly funny when you consider that Al Bore FLUNKED out of college. And Bush's grades were BETTER than Kerry's

but then, consider the source............
it's particuarly funny when you consider that Al Bore FLUNKED out of college.

Huh? Al Gore graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University, with a B.A. in government, in 1969, exactly four years after entering at the age of 17.

Of course, he did drop out of divinity school,journalism school, and later drop out of law school to run for congress, but we can't all get multiple degrees just because we change our minds about what we want to be when we grow up....:lol:

but then, consider the source............
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Gore's undergraduate transcript from Harvard is riddled with C's, including a C-minus in introductory economics, a D in one science course, and a C-plus in another. "In his sophomore year at Harvard," the Post reported, "Gore's grades were lower than any semester recorded on Bush's transcript from Yale." Moreover, Gore's graduate school record - consistently glossed over by the press - is nothing short of shameful. In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of "Inventing Al Gore," he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C's. (Bush went on to earn an MBA from Harvard).

facts are not your friend Elder, he didnt drop out, he FLUNKED out
You say "fired," I say "resigned." Grades are pretty irrelevant, especially if he quit.....

He graduated from Harvard with the honors I quoted-he must have bought them.:rolleyes:
So let me get this straight:

1. AoG makes a comment stating that the U.S. is a hate-filled and bigoted country.

2. BD defends the country by saying that this country is close to electing a black man as President. One that, in his opinion, has nothing to deserve the position.

3. Therefore, BD is on a rant.

And you last statment is disingenuous. Your original line was this:

In other words, implying that BD should not say anything, and make his beliefs (not)known here through voting.

And here is another question. Why didn't you ask AoG if he could make his position known without slurring and ranting against the country?

Could it be that his position supports yours?

If you find the post insluting RTM it, my 'position' doesn't support anyones in particular so don't try to drag me into your argument.
You are arguing with me for the sake of arguing now. Pointless exercise.
Thats not what you said son. you said, "in 2000, I thought Gore was smarter"

so, did you just make that up, or are you really gonna claim you were politically aware at the age of TEN?

OK, you are NOT my dad, stop calling me son. It doesn't help that I cann't stand my dad, so really, stop it.

Second, I also think that when Hoover was in office (when my Grandma was 10) he was inept. Are you going to say that I'm not allowed to have an oppion about something that happened in the past? I didn't say when the campaign was going on I thought Gore was smarter, I said that in 2000 I thought that Gore was smarter. Which is to say that I thought that Gore was the better canadite. Just like my refernce to Hoover, who ever he beat was the better canadite.
well, now thats more clear.

BTW- Gore isnt an idiot. He is however, a slightly better public speaker than the President. Not by much, mind you. There was a reason they called him Al Bore.

Just some free advice buddy, you're 18. Go party, go find some nice girl with questionable morals. Go have FUN.
One way or anouther, it's rather narrow minded of us to give a rat's tush about a mans back round when it comes to whether or not we elect him (or her)

I care more about correcting stupidity than I do about American politics.....

Muslim does not equate or equal to terrorist. If Obama were Jewish would that make a difference as well?

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