hammer said:
Robert, again A) i would suggest you read the previous post, question B) 1 weapons: 1 chucks, 2*short stick , 1 karma , question 2 : C) as practical as possible given the time we live in, sparring ,drilling, applictions, uses .question 3 : D. ) respected seniors teachers of other arts as well as my own ,hapkido, kenpo, kung fu, doc paris . question 4:E) they were ascessed on logic , application, skilling, knowledge of the weapon, history & peformance ect, im sure you get the picture now!! F)sorry im not in the business of name dropping .cheers
A)I did read your post again and it is not until THIS post that you attempt to answer my questions.
B)“chucks”? “2 short stick”?, “karma”? I can only presume you mean nunchuku, tanbo, and kama…….that is unless you are studying under one of the Ninja Turtles then it would be "numchucks" and make you a fellow "chucker"......
C)I get the picture nowÂ…..so you never actually used tested them in real life situations, just kinda worked on some stuff in somebodyÂ’s dojo.
D)Still means nothing unless there are names to go along with those classified as “respected”….it’s a pretty ambiguous word. I might respect someone but another person may think he is a clown…..I think you get the picture. And by the way it’s Doce Pares*…..you should at least learn how to spell the arts and weapons you claim to know.
E)Based on logic, application, “skilling”, knowledge of the weapon, history AND performance as well……..WOW! Must make it really good stuff then. NOT based on actual use in real life though is it????
F)There was another guy on here a while back that refused to give the name of people he trained with or was ranked from. People asked him to cough up some proof that he had rank in an art he claimed it in for 6 bloody months…….finally he showed it to some people and it was painfully obvious the he or someone had cut and pasted it together from other certificates and wrote his name in really bad Japanese, plus stamped it with a fake “hanko”.
Sorry sport but based on what little information you have posted and your basic lack of knowledge of martial arts terms/styles you claim to have trained in thus far you are not convincing me that what you have “invented” is something viable. I think if you were to go to any club like Doce Pares or Dan Inosanto they would smoke you with ease.
*The name Doce Pares was adopted in
reference to the famous twelve bodyguards
of Emperor Charlemagne of France (AD 768-814).
these twelve people all top swordsmen were
known to have fought and killed hundreds of
enemies in battles. Doce Pares which means
"Twelve pairs" in spanish, was meant also to
honor the twelve people who originally planned
to form the orgnization, and when the
membership rose to twenty four at the time
of the inauguration, it indeed became more
significantly fitting