Machida Karate??

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Last Legionary,

Thanks I've been looking everywhere for the "Butt Hurt Report"!

I don't know if I can continue, I think there may be permanant scarring & phsychiatric work needed.
I think you are a troll, Omar B. There's no point in continuously contradicting me or keeping the "flame" going in your little "flamboyant approach". I don't care who you are, where you come from, or how long you've been here.
Here at Martial Talk, i've learned that respecting others no matter their age, sex, body type, race, skill set, or anything else deragatory is something that is not only highly frowned upon; but is also not tolerated.
What you're trying to do is push my buttons.
Well eat your words.
I'm out of this conversation, unless someone else has got something to talk about. I've got the information that I needed.
Aries Kai

I'm a troll? Sure kid, why don't you go start another thread about mixing arts to make the perfect art. Your statements constantly show you have no idea what you are talking about yet you claim you do (such as "keeping up with a stance").

As to my flamboyant approach as you put it? I guess you refer proper spelling and grammar as flamboyant.
I think you are a troll, Omar B. There's no point in continuously contradicting me or keeping the "flame" going in your little "flamboyant approach". I don't care who you are, where you come from, or how long you've been here.
Here at Martial Talk, i've learned that respecting others no matter their age, sex, body type, race, skill set, or anything else deragatory is something that is not only highly frowned upon; but is also not tolerated.

What you're trying to do is push my buttons.

Well eat your words.

I'm out of this conversation, unless someone else has got something to talk about. I've got the information that I needed.


Aries Kai

Aries Kai,

No disrespect meant but I can guarantee that Omar is definitely not a troll, in fact he is a stand up Martial Artist that has a great deal of knowledge as does JKS, MJS, Chris Parker & Tez they are all stand up guys/girl with a ton of knowledge. They have deepened my understanding in countless ways just as all the members of MT have done in various ways, its a great community just maybe not always easy to get used to at 1st.

Not to tell you what to do but maybe its a good idea to take a couple of days off of the forums or such & get things back into perspective because based on my understanding I don't feel that anyone is trying to degrade you or slander you in any way.

Sometimes its good to take a vacation away from the Internet forums, I know I do sometimes & its enjoyable!

Just making a suggestion because it looks like you have a great deal to offer & its always great to have more knowledgeable posters on MT.

Happy Holidays,

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.

Pamela Piszczek
MT Asst. Admin.
I just discovered this thread this evening. This is probably the funniest thing I've read on this forum. I think honestly this has to be an elaborate hoax on the part of arieskai, jks, chris parker and omar to make all of us piss ourselves.
Actually, I have a lot of respect for what I'll label "real" Tae Kwon Do rather than the mass market, day-care & family activity version that's commonly seen. TKD can be a very effective fighting system -- it's just not commonly taught that way in the US. (Same thing with quite a few other arts...)

Hey JKS,

Yeah, that was actually meant to be tongue in cheek, thought the last bit was enough to show that... oh, well. I've actually got Tae Kwon Do in my background, and hearly having my nose broken for leaning into a side kick certainly showed me a bit of power there!

Oh, and Jenny? Uh, not a hoax... at least, if it is, no-one told me!
I can see the point in trolling if you make yourself out to be smarter than everyone else or you can get people to blow their tops but I'm buggered if I can see the point in portraying yourself as a confused teenager in the grip of a hormone flush while smoking your dad's roll ups thinking you are an adult. Very odd.

I work on the basis that 9 out of 10 may be trolls but that one who is not may need some help so I post anyway. If it's a troll no harm done, if it isn't we've helped someone. I've been helped a huge lot by people on here and I'm not going to stop my posting habits just because someone may be a troll. Besides what if someone else reads it and does find it helpful?

A friend of mine trolls when he thinks people are getting too above themselves but he is very very clever and will tie people up in knots with their own words, he should have been a barrister lol. He's an MMA fighter instead with a first class honours degree in electrical engineering. Very good at everything he does actually. No he hasn't been on here lol!
I just discovered this thread this evening. This is probably the funniest thing I've read on this forum. I think honestly this has to be an elaborate hoax on the part of arieskai, jks, chris parker and omar to make all of us piss ourselves.

Not my intent in this thread, but in real life I do always aim for the urine.
lol nope, no Destroyer Style here. Never heard of him.
Actually, a gentleman from earlier has not only helped me, but has also humbled me with merely words......
I think i've gotten all the help I need though. I thought about making my own style for the past year (about), and haven't had any luck with it.
I think it's just best to stick with the style or art that i've now chosen.

I apologize if any disrespect or hostility was directed towards you, or anyone for that matter.


Aries Kai

I apologize I offended you.
What I was saying was, "As far as I am concerned, the thread is necro."
That's the same as saying, "This thread is dead to me. I've got nothing more for it; i'd like to drop all of the animosity."
I have no intentions in "trolling" anybody. Trolling is not my style.

I got all the answers I wanted. Just ask Chris Parker.
I'm fine, I just think you're not quite up to date with everything just yet...
Go ahead and read all of the posts.
There's no point in keeping this animosity bull going.

Now that I have everything I need, you won't be seeing anymore arguments from me. I've learned a lot from you guys.
I'll be happy when I come back later and say, "Thanks to you guys, I got my 1st Dan in Ninjutsu".

Honestly, let's keep this peaceful; alright?

You too, sir.

Thank you very much.


I must say this thread has turned into quite the off topic train wreck. Let me say a few things.

1) How is that list coming?

2) After doing some homework, I notice that you've taken quite the beating on another forum, and basically done there, what you do questions, looking for answers, you get them, but because they're not what YOU want to hear, you get all pissy, cry foul, say threads are dead and necro. Hmm....why are you airing your dirty laundry here?

3) I find it funny because here you claim that you're 21, yet over on BSDO, you made a post that said that you have over 30yrs of experience. Umm...math wasn't one of my best subjects in school, but that doesn't add up right. Here's what ya said, in a reply to diesel_tke:

Ah see... this is is where you are wrong.

I do have over 30 years of training and experience...
but I don't claim that I can 'kill' any martial artist on the street. That is something we all wish that we could do, although can never be done.
There IS always someone better, that fact can never be denied.

So, with all the training you say you did in Japan, the other arts you say you've trained in, and all the people, ie: military and LEO, that you say you've trained with, it seems to me that you've learned nothing, as you're still in this quest to find the best. BTW, much like Destroyer Style, who seems to not have spent much time training in one art before moving onto the next, I wonder, is that the case with you? I mean, if one were to spend only a short amount of time, how much can they really walk away with? So, how much time have you spent during your 16 or 30yrs of training?

4) You find it necessary in, oh, well, pretty much every damn post, to talk about your '16yrs of training', all the arts you train in, your backyard, schoolyard fights, etc. Then, in a post, where I once mentioned that I've been training for 20+ yrs, you mock me. See, difference between you and I dude, is that I dont brag. See, I'm not impressed with people that try to BS me with fancy high rank, multiple BB rankings, or some huge laundry list of stuff. I'm not the 'ohh and ahh' type of guy. Its the skill of the person that impresses me the most, not the side dish stuff.

5) You list a few different arts, but yet you're still looking for the magical one, thinking that its out there somewhere. As I and many others have said many times, its not the art, but the person. I wonder why its also taken you 16yrs and you're now seeing that something isn't right.

6) As for not reading the posts here...actually, yes I have. You started this thread talking about Machida and his art, but its now generated into...well, I'm not quite sure yet.

7) Destroyer, read posts by this member. I swear, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were his evil twin! LOL! He, like you is young, doesn't like to hear things that don't mesh with the truth, wants to create his own style, disagrees with those that have more training time, more real world experience, and gets frustrated over it all.

8) You state that your personal items being stolen happened when you were a kid. Here is the post I quoted, and my reply, to which you said this. So my question is claim that you've been training supposedly for 16yrs, claim you got your *** kicked and items taken, state that happened in your childhood, so if all that is true, what have you changed in your fighting style today? Are you still getting your *** kicked? If you are, then you need to look at why. If you're not, then you must be training something correctly to save you.

9) You repeatedly ask, such as you said here, why this and that won't work. Have you stopped to think that maybe it does work, but perhaps its the way YOU are training it? I mean, I've been down that road many times, have been show correctly, and then had that, "Oh yeah" moment, seeing that it was a simple mistake on my part, but with the right correction from a quality teacher, it was fixed.

10) Offended me?? LMAO...dude, I doubt anything you can say, could or would offend me, but thanks for the apology anyways. :D

11) In closing I'll say this. While JKS already said it, its worth saying again. Forum mods here, can't mod a thread they're involved in. So, I and JKS are not involved in any moderation of this particular thread. So member to member, let me say this. If you havent already, you may want to check this out, especially 4.5. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that description fits this thread to a T.
On the contrary Shawn, here at MartialTalk we put a great emphasis on respecting others, when they deserve it. The guest, the new member who hasn't inserted foot into mouth, the expert who refrains from insults, all receive great respect. The troublemaker, the one with a chip on their shoulder or one such as you who appears to have their head up their *** and an agenda to push, they get little respect. Some of us though, enjoy toying with them until they pop.

You're actions so far are that of an agenda troll. Sub species is Contrarian, with a bit of classic mixed in. I'd also suggest a bit of Sophist and Bitter troll in your make up. Funny how transparent you are, especially in light of reading your actions elsewhere.

I'm going to keep this as respectful as all possible.

You, Sir Whoever-The-Hell-You-Are, are a great example of what I perceive as a "troll".
Oh, so you've read my previous posts where I put my first name at my closing! GOOD JOB. You using my name doesn't mean a damn thing; except that you're proving your ability to READ. GOOD JOB!
I came here from after being insulted for being a NOOB, and after being banned from those forums because a buddy of mine got on here (on my computer) and began talking trash to the forum users.

NOTE: I tried to clear it up with them and even told them that my buddy was on my PC before; but they weren't about to listen. They were dead-set on banning someone. It makes them feel good to get a great rise out of somebody, piss'em off, and then ban them! It shows that they have power over something. It makes them feel powerful.
They're LITTLE BOYS!!!

What happened on BULLSHIDO is IRRELEVANT to what's going on HERE, as MARTIAL TALK is a completely different place. I know for a fact that many of the good users here on MT highly frown upon the entire bullshido community. I've got my reasons to believe so.
Say they don't. You're only proving your ignorance.

Learn the whole story, get all of the facts, get some real evidence, shut your flippin mouth, open your eyes and ears before you go making assumptions and making actions BASED on those assumptions.

Some of us though, enjoy toying with them until they pop.

That is a perfect example of a troll, and you just openly admitted that you are one.

I don't know you from adam or able, nor do I have any respect for you due to this demeanor that you presented yourself in.

Here's MY point, you disrespectful little twit.
If that gets me banned, then so be it. You've pushed my buttons, and I'm tired of being disrespected when i'm trying to keep things as formal and as respectful as possible.
So people get pissed off; that's LIFE.
Saying that you don't get pissed off is you stating that you're not human. You stating that you're not human is only stating that you're an animal, and that you don't deserve being treated in a civil manner.

What you're trying to do is push my buttons until I get pissed off and tell you that i'm not going to take your disrespect or your rude behavior anymore, as I don't deserve it.
Note: I don't give a flip WHO you are, WHAT skills or experience you've had in your uber McDojo, or HOW GOOD you think you are.
If I get banned for these choice of words, then obviously this "Martial Talk" isn't as cut out as Sir Bob Hubbard (no pun intended; only respect) made it out to be in our email conversations.

So with that being said:

1)I come here after getting ridicule and ban from another user forum from users (such as yourself) and moderators who disrespect and insult others for merely asking questions for being a "noob" (as some of you tend to call it) in the martial arts.

2)As I come here, I send and receive emails from Bob Hubbard (the owner of this community; I take it?) stating that is a place that he wouldn't recommend any user or noob to be in (in so many words).
Not exactly what he said word for word, but I don't feel the need to tell you everything about our conversation.

3)After that, I come here to introduce myself, and find that there are plenty of nicer people here, so I decide that it's a good place to ask the questions that i've had.

4)I ask all of these questions and get half answers, or answers that I could not understand because no one laid it out for me in fine detials.
Yes, you do have to literally spell everything out to me. I'M A NOOB!!!

5)After using MY points to contradict others points (merely explaining MY personal understanding of things, and am only looking for either approval or the reason my methods won't work), I get better explanation from some, and am labeled a "troll" by others!
The one's that gave me proper explanations, thank you; I find that you are real martial artists (the ones who know what they're talkin about).
As for the one's who labeled me a troll? You can go burn in a fire for all I care.

6)After being continuously insulted (aggressively and/or passive aggressively; I can smell and see both) by those who either can't handle being questioned, can't handle being contradicted, and/or can't handle the fact that someone out there may simply be a NOOB; I retaliate, and am THEN labeled a troll after that!!!

Now, You disrespectful little troll, explain to me how I'm a troll, explain to me why you are so much better than I, explain to me why I should be the next on the ban list for getting pissedoff that someone proceeds in disrespecting me (aggressive or passive agressive). Explain to me why you refer to the Bullshido forums, gather a BS story from others who either perceived things their own way or just like to stir up the pot.
Explain to me and everyone else why you gather information from other
users over the internet, have no real evidence of your accusations, and why you are such a GOD OF TRUTH.
Explain to me and everyone else why you hold yourself and others so much higher than others.

Well, I'll fill you in as I am about to educate you (note: I'm a noob educating you Mr. Martial Arts guru, your HIGHNESS):

No matter what age, sex, color/race/ethnicity/origin, religious preference, experience, personality, or what EVER makes them THEM as a PERSON; NO ONE HERE AT MARTIAL TALK IS BETTER, NOR IS ANYONE ELSE HIGHER.
I don't give two flips about WHO has been here LONGER, what they are, who they are, where they come from, what they've done; they're nothing better nor are they any higher than me.
There's a difference between MODERATORS, ADMINS, and USERS.
The ONLY difference is the fact that MODERATORS and ADMINS keep the PEACE. They're the same concept as POLICE OFFICERS out on the street! They Police these forums and make sure everything runs smoothly; nothing more!! They're nothing more than a normal man without that power!
If I walk up to a Police Officer and say, "I think you're a fat, doughnut-eating, lazy, pathetic little slob who hides behind his badge and gun"; he's not going to arrest me, give me a citation, or ban me from the community! He's going to say, "Well I don't care WHAT you think; but don't let me catch you breaking the law.."
(note: I wouldn't say that to a cop, as I'm working on becoming one)

Well, I don't see anyone keeping the flipping peace!!!!!

I may not have as much experience in the Martial Arts than some others; but that doesn't mean that I don't have more experience in shooting things (including people) at nearly 2 miles away. That doesn't mean that I don't have more experience than others in surviving out there in the real world with nothing except for the small amount of clothes on my back in the dead of winter or during a tornado. That doesn't mean that I don't have more experience in making homemade bombs than they do.
That doesn't meant hat I don't have anymore experience in being a MAN than most of you do (even at 21 years old) which is a different topic made for a different time, if at all.
That doesn't mean that I don't have experience in anything else that they don't!

Just because you're experienced in the Martial Arts and/or have spent YEARS on this FORUM, DOES NOT mean that you can treat users the way you want them to!!! It does not mean that you are any better or have any right to disrespect anyone else, regardless of how better you are at this or that!

If Omar B or any other user that's been here and has "cliqued" with the rest of the "cool crowd" on Martial Talk said to me:
"You're dumb. You're such a noob. You're stupid. You're a moron. You're an ignorant redneck because i'm from NEW YOAK"
THAT would be OK!!!
But if I said the most minute thing to him; than I'm all of a sudden a troll and am the NEXT ON THE BAN LIST??

WELL Little did you all know, I'm a big influence in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area. I have many, many connections around here. I participate in many local events where many know my name in my area. I also have a personal FRIENDSHIP with Chuck Norris, Eddie Bravo, Mark Hatmaker, and the Gracie Brothers. I have many different connections in the Martial Arts community (whether MMA or TMA).
My word of mouth means a lot in regards to where I come from and the people that I know.
You may not believe me; but what if what i'm saying is actually true?
That means that Martial Talk loses credibility all over the DFW area (except for the rejects sleeping in their grandmother/mothers basement at 40 years old, and the World of Warcraft junkie/armchair warriors), and all over the MMA/TMA community.

If this is how you all treat new users, no matter what previous forum they came from, what questions they ask, how they act when some VETERAN USERS THAT HAVE BEEN HERE FOR SUCH A LONG TIME piss them off, or in what way they contradict the martial arts guru/masters who have been practicing for 20+ odd some years; then Martial Talk is in for it BIG TIME.
Oh, does this offend some? Too bad. It's the truth. It's LIFE.
Sometimes you never hear what you want to hear.

Here's a question:
If you move to a town and you go and piss off someone that's been there for a long time; do you think the whole town is going to all of a sudden hate you, and they're going to literally ban you from their town?
No. It's not going to happen. Actually, if things escallate, the police will get involved and someone will probably go to jail.
Does that mean that they are banned from that area/community? No!!!
If that happens, then legal action will be taken and that town loses a LOT of credibility all over the area that you ARE familiar with!
It'll hit the news and then that town will practically be ruined!

What you're all stating here, is that this forum is run by socialist or communist ideas; correct?
Well, I've found that no matter what political background or preference you come from; we can all get along if we put all of that to the side.
Get what i'm saying?

I'm not here to troll, i'm here to get answers - OBVIOUSLY, as you can see in all of my POSTS.
It's clear that i'm here to get answers!!!
As you can all see, I continue to ask:

What works!?!?!
What if I do
this or that!?!?
WHY does this work and WHY does that work???
Well THIS is what I think; why am I wrong???

Just because I contradict some of your answers; that doesn't mean that i'm trolling you. If that's the case, don't answer questions if you can't handle being contradicted, and can't give a good explanation as to why something will or will not work.

With all of that being said; take your little notions, take your cute little pictures and your pathetic little demeanor and go find a tree to climb; because you obviously can't handle a NOOB, MR. MARTIAL ARTS MASTER.

That's what I think about that
Last edited:
Some things to ponder:

1) There is a Report to Mod (RTM) feature on every post. Its a little red triangle in the upper right hand corner of each persons post. It generates a report for the mods to review. A word of caution....dont use it because someone is upsetting you, offending you or doing anything that does not fall into the description of the forum rules. IIRC, they've been linked in this thread. :)

2) We're talking via computer, not face to face, thus its very possible for misunderstandings to happen. Rather than people getting their panties in a twist, explain in a civil fashion, whats not understood and ask for clarification.

3) Oh yeah, in addition to the RTM feature, there is an ignore feature on everyones profile, which allows a user to not view the selected members posts.

4) If someone is upsetting someone, rather than fight back and put yourself at risk for mod action, hit that pretty little red triangle and let the mods deal with it. Saves alot of headache in the long run.
I came here from after being insulted for being a NOOB, and after being banned from those forums because a buddy of mine got on here (on my computer) and began talking trash to the forum users.

I must ask..why did you allow your password to become public? Of course, if a PW does become public, a PW change should be the first thing that should be done, to avoid issues such as you claim.

BTW....what was the original intent of this thread again? Seems that we went from Machida to...well, I'm not quite sure. Oh yeah...a train wreck.
BTW, I noticed, before you took out a few lines in your post, that you said that you were working on a LEO job. Can you explain this please?


After being discharged, I became a LEO (Patrolman) with the Dallas Police Department located at 2331 West Northwest Highway in Dallas, TX 75220 for 2 years before coming over to the Sheriff's department.
It is possible to find oneself in a situation where others are simply jerks. I have joined a few forums over the years that for one reason or another were not to my liking. I have also been a member of forums where I have worn out my welcome and felt that it was not my fault, but that of others. And I've been 'foruming' for a long time - back in the day, I ran a computer BBS for those who remember dial-up lines, modems, and so on.

However, if I found that wherever I went, I received the same responses, I might begin to believe, if I were mature enough, that the problem was not with others but with myself.

One can easily have a few bad experiences and chalk it up to the behavior of others. After a few, it might not be them, is what I'm suggesting.
BTW, I noticed, before you took out a few lines in your post, that you said that you were working on a LEO job. Can you explain this please?


I have no idea where that came. After I was discharged from the Army, I became a Commissioned Security Guard with IPC International Corporation (since you must know). Anything about my personal life is nothing of your concern by any means.
You perceive anyone who disagrees with you as a troll. I just think you're an asshat myself. You got smacked over at the childrens network because you got caught in your lies. You're getting caught here for the same. Grow a pair, man up and admit it.

You name drop like we care. Meeting someone at a seminar or expo isn't "knowing" them, dumbass. If that were the case I'd "know" both Clintons, Obama and both Bush's, not to mention Ray Parks, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Ed Parker, Jackie Chan and Zhang Zyi. (Shes a sweetie I might add, has soft hands and hot eyes)

For your information, yes, I am a troll. The difference between us however is I've been here a long time, have actually contributed to the site both content wise and financially. The last lying piece of trash I sparred with here was sent packing not too long ago. You remind me of him. Slightly shorter and a bit thicker.

You came here with a chip on your shoulder, a past history you can't hide from and an attitude that sucks.

You are a 21 yr old male named Shawn, who lives in the DFW area.

21 years old
Dallas, Texas

shawn's Companies
Machado Jiu Jitsu
Dallas, TX US

Dallas Judo & Jiu Jitsu
Dallas, TX US

Saekson Muay Thai Association
Dallas, TX US

You puffed up your pompous little chest and said
WELL Little did you all know, I'm a big influence in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area. I have many, many connections around here. I participate in many local events where many know my name in my area. I also have a personal FRIENDSHIP with Chuck Norris, Eddie Bravo, Mark Hatmaker, and the Gracie Brothers. I have many different connections in the Martial Arts community (whether MMA or TMA).
My word of mouth means a lot in regards to where I come from and the people that I know.

Hey dumb nuts, guess what? Several of our former staff are from Texas. Most are still paying members of the site, run schools (real schools I might add) and are real community leaders. Do you know how many members we have in tthe DFW area alone? How much traffic from Texas? I think it's the 3rd most active MT spot in the US. Ask Kaith, he's got the stats. It's been a while since I saw them. Or don't you ignorant kid.

Yeah I said ignorant. This isn't a democracy. Go read the rules you agreed to at sign up. There's at least 1 mod warning in here, I'm sure the next is coming and I'm sure I'll have another 'shut up' note, which I'll deserve and accept like the man I am.

You I expect will ***** and moan like a little pissy troll baby.

Your own words convict you of being a certified troll.

"Do you know who I am"

Yeah, a whiney, self important nobody with delusions of adequacy who thinks he can intimidate us and is failing horribly at everything other than amusing us.

It is possible to find oneself in a situation where others are simply jerks. I have joined a few forums over the years that for one reason or another were not to my liking. I have also been a member of forums where I have worn out my welcome and felt that it was not my fault, but that of others. And I've been 'foruming' for a long time - back in the day, I ran a computer BBS for those who remember dial-up lines, modems, and so on.

However, if I found that wherever I went, I received the same responses, I might begin to believe, if I were mature enough, that the problem was not with others but with myself.

One can easily have a few bad experiences and chalk it up to the behavior of others. After a few, it might not be them, is what I'm suggesting.

Bill, with all due respect; I see and do agree with what you are saying.

But as you know (as do many others), there are others online who tend to try to push other peoples buttons and rile them up.
The only reason they feel that they can get away with it, is because it's online and that because no one is doing anything about it.

I do not feel that I did anything to deserve the treatment that i've been receiving.
Those referring to past experiences are only ruining the entire concept of, "turning over a new leaf"; even though I never felt the need or desire to turn over a new leaf in the first place.

I came here with the same questions as I did in (the first and only other place where I became part of an online martial arts community).
I have no idea where that came. After I was discharged from the Army, I became a Commissioned Security Guard with IPC International Corporation (since you must know). Anything about my personal life is nothing of your concern by any means.

Well, you said it, not me. However, you may find this interesting. From the rules:

Section 10 : Law Enforcement Officer Policy

MartialTalk welcomes the members of the various branches of Law Enforcement to join and participate on our site.

It is not required that LEO's identify themselves as such.

Members who are however found to falsely claim to be law enforcement officers will be subject to one or more of the following:

  • An Immediate & Permanent Ban
  • Reported to Internet Service Provider
  • Reported to Law Enforcement organization closest to them for investigation. All account information will be provided to aid their investigation.
  • Impersonating an officer of the law is a criminal offense in most places, and will not be tolerated here. We have several active & retired LEO on staff as well as active members of the site.

If you suspect someone of lying about their law credentials, please report the post and the situation will be investigated.

Thank you.

Seeing that many people here are active LEOs, retired LEOs or have connections in the LE field, I'd be careful what you say as it may bite you in the end.
I love college kids. So full of thinking they know it all.
shawn's Schools
Dallas County Community College District
Graduated: N/A
Degree: In Progress
Major: Criminal Justice
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