It's time to dig this up again.
Something very interesting happened recently. I was demonstrating some of our Goshin Budo Jujutsu that came down from Shogo Kuniba. Afterwards I was asked where I learned the Asayama Ichiden Ryu. This kind of floored me.
I can understand people mistaking some of what we do for Aikido or even Daito Ryu. But this was strange.
I heard of Asayama Ichiden Ryu and even nearly bought a book on the subject. Now, sadly, it seems that book is out of print. But never practiced it or even thought anyone else still was.
Anyway, there has been talk of a Kuniba-Fujita Seiko connection. Now I learned that Fujita Seiko studied (and maybe even received Menkyo in) Asayama Ichiden Ryu. Is this correct? If so, then likely Kuniba did spend time with Fujita.