
At the moment, I've two interests (Ninjitsu and Aikido~strange pairing huh?)...recently I've just discovered a gym where they teach an integrated style (jujitsu, brazillian jujitsu, pankration) designed for self-defense. The head of the gym apparently has won numerous South African Championships in Jujitsu, has trained BJJ with Maetre Desche etc etc..so he seems a highly qualified teacher.
What he teaches are techniques designed purely for self-defense: effective and rapid moves. No mucking around with stuff you never use.
SOunds very cool and all that...but what concerns me is that it is not a "pure" MA, ie. no belts, no affiliation, no hierarchy as such. What strikes me in joining a dojo is the constant competition to be better, which unfortunately is represented by the color of your belt...an indication of status almost. Without having such a system, there's no real yard stick to mark your improvement, or how your progression is going, other than your teacher's comments.
What do you think? Am I being too Idealistic, or is Integrated Arts the way to go?