MA Training Books and Videos

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Just a question but what is everyones view apon these?
I dont think they are as good as a trained instrutor but lets say if you are in the middle of no where wanting to learn a MA should they use books and Video and like self train? how about those like on the where you can even send in a tape of yourself and earn ranks? what is everyones views on that?

I think they hold nothing compared to a actuall trained instructor but if i had to move somewhere and there was no training there in my style or at all i woudl think books and videos is a low-subsitute, something to keep me going untill i find a new style or a MA school shows up, i dont think that one should use videos and books as there only means of training becouse they will be missing out a lot, if i wanted to learn ninjutsu(whitch i am learning via a local ninjutsu school) and i moved or whatever and all was there was a Judo or TKD school i would change styles before i use a book or movie to continue my training in ninjutsu ya know?

But on a side note along with that, what is your views of using books and videos to go along with your training?
Exp. My school doesnt do much with tonfas or nuchukus, they do stuff, but not as much as i would like manly becouse there not as comanly used so not really as important as other things that would be done in class time, so i woudl like to buy a book/video about tonfas and generaly teach my self, i woudl use this as side training to go along with my training, even after i finnish the videos and become good with tonfas or whatever i still wouldnt conceder my self profeceent with them untill my instructor says so with that skill(though its not like they go, you can use a sword! here have a cookie and a patch ^_^) but im sure you know what i mean; to use it as side traing aalongw ith my training but not to use it to substitue the actuall training :P
There many threads on videos, books, and distance learning here on MartialTalk. Just take the time to look for them, and you will see what I mean.
I did like a quick scan around and didnt find much about um
That's what the search feature's for. It's fairly robust, and you should be able to pull up multiple instances of such a topic with little trouble.

That aside, books can be helpful as can videos. (I kinda wonder how one trains a grappling art by themselves though.)
Marginal said:
That aside, books can be helpful as can videos. (I kinda wonder how one trains a grappling art by themselves though.)

There are actually grappling dummies that can be used, however, you're not going to get the resistance, movement or anything else that you'd get from a live person.

AnimEdge said:
Just a question but what is everyones view apon these?
I dont think they are as good as a trained instrutor but lets say if you are in the middle of no where wanting to learn a MA should they use books and Video and like self train? how about those like on the where you can even send in a tape of yourself and earn ranks? what is everyones views on that?

Tapes, dvds, books, etc. are great to supplement your training, but as a sole source, not good IMO.

I think they hold nothing compared to a actuall trained instructor but if i had to move somewhere and there was no training there in my style or at all i woudl think books and videos is a low-subsitute, something to keep me going untill i find a new style or a MA school shows up, i dont think that one should use videos and books as there only means of training becouse they will be missing out a lot, if i wanted to learn ninjutsu(whitch i am learning via a local ninjutsu school) and i moved or whatever and all was there was a Judo or TKD school i would change styles before i use a book or movie to continue my training in ninjutsu ya know?

Good point!

But on a side note along with that, what is your views of using books and videos to go along with your training?

See my post above.

Exp. My school doesnt do much with tonfas or nuchukus, they do stuff, but not as much as i would like manly becouse there not as comanly used so not really as important as other things that would be done in class time, so i woudl like to buy a book/video about tonfas and generaly teach my self, i woudl use this as side training to go along with my training, even after i finnish the videos and become good with tonfas or whatever i still wouldnt conceder my self profeceent with them untill my instructor says so with that skill(though its not like they go, you can use a sword! here have a cookie and a patch ^_^) but im sure you know what i mean; to use it as side traing aalongw ith my training but not to use it to substitue the actuall training :P[/QUOTE]

Again, nothing can replace a live instructor. I'd start with getting some training with the weapons from your inst. seeing that its something that is offered at your school.

It is offered but its not on top of the tado list sence most people do not have sais or tonfas and so we spend more time on the more common items like swords and stick(bo,jo) stuff but after class though i sometimes asks them for geral usage tipes and so on for other weapons
Tapes are good.

At a beggining level they can help remind you of important things, kinda like a premade notebook.

Once you got a good base in something you can add to it through tapes.

But to get ranked by taping yourself is silly.

Spar, rank yourself by how well you do now compared to before. Of course to start sparring without someone that knows what they are doing is a very dangerous thing...

As a primary source of training it is a bad idea, but better then nothing. Especially in the beginning.
I agree but dont mis understand me, i am going to a local Ninjutsu school with instructors and so on, i was just asking what people thought about the use of Book/videos and a primary and a additional scource for training/learning
Are there no martial arts schools around you?

There is a ton of over lap in the different forms, if it is ninjitsu you really want at least go train around for a while and get a decent understanding of the skills involved.
I agree but dont missunderstand me, i am going to a local Ninjutsu school with instructors and so on, i was just asking what people thought about the use of Book/videos and a primary and a additional scource for training/learning:P