My friend is a martial arts junky (aren't we all) and claims to compete in a tournament once a year called Kamate (unsure of spelling). The way he describes it, it sounds like a tournament out of some anime or martial arts movie. There is no division for just forms. There are three divisions. One for beginners, one for intermediates, and one for advanced. The beginner one is basically sparring to 5 pts. with any kind of techinques using the proper gear. The intermediate is basically sparring to 10 pts. with any kind of techniques. No gear of any kind. The advanced is basically fighting, any techniques, penalties for holding back, no gear, winner is the last man standing kinda thing. It is held in a different country each year (never in U.S.) and participants must have a sponsor. I guess what I am asking is of any of you have even heard of this tournament or one like it. I personally think it's bull spit.