Low Line Targets


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Lifetime Supporting Member
What are your preferred targets when attacking on a low line? Targets such as the leg, knee, groin, shin and top of the foot, to me, all seem like pretty good picks. Do you have one that you tend to favor more than another?

For myself, I like all of them. Of course, depending on the situation at the time, one may be a better option than the other. Doing a Thai kick to the leg wouldn't be an option if you're too close, but simply changing the nature of the attack to say, a knee to the leg, may be a better choice.

Of course, none of these shots should be looked at as a fight stopper per se, but none the less, they're still going to have an effect on the person if applied properly.

So...what does everyone else prefer?

Take what's given!

If someone is oblivious to low attacks, then by all means go for the ankle, shin bone, knees, or maybe even a takedown, sweep, thrown, etc. If someone leads with his head, then by all means go for the head. If he leads with arms wide open, then go for the body. If someone is really rigid, go for the lock.

I would wager, that your goal is to end the fight as soon as you can, and if an opportunity presents itself, then you should take it if you're capable of doing so.

The way I see it, you don't go into a fight with a rigid set, and can adapt to the situation as needed, do what's within your limits, and do it well!
Like you said, depends on the situation, but if I want to end things quickly and have the opportunity to run if need be, I would go for the knees. Inflicts the most damage and has the better end result.
Personally, I am a fan of the ankle... Not a kicking target but rather a trapping target. After years of Filipino and Silat practice I natuarally tend to step on the foot to trap it as it enhances the delivery of many throws and traps. It also is a very effective self-defence technique if you step a little further and roll the ankle.

Rob "Ankle Biter"
MJS said:
Doing a Thai kick to the leg wouldn't be an option if you're too close, but simply changing the nature of the attack to say, a knee to the leg, may be a better choice.

Well I don't agree with your assertion that leg kicks wouldn't be an in close option cause I actually consider them as part of my in close bag of techniques. However, that aside you can most definitely alter your point of contact to the knee (my personal fav), or knee them in the thigh - both have worked for me in past. The Boar techniques have a myriad of lowline attacks and that system can best be described as fighting in a phone booth.

Of course, none of these shots should be looked at as a fight stopper per se, but none the less, they're still going to have an effect on the person if applied properly.

I gar-aun-tee that most people aren't going to shrug off a hard shinbone to the inner knee. It could very easily end the fight if you're smart enough to disengage. And even though I would never expect a single shot to end a fight (that's just not smart thinking) lower attacks are an integral part of my MA's philosophy - taking away mobility. I like stomps, shin raking, and always always look for the joints - ankle and knee

To sum it up I love low line targets. :)
I'd recommend the knees. Most people have learned to protect the groin area either by blocking incoming attacks or simply moving the target out of the line of fire. However, protecting the knees is another story-
tradrockrat said:
Well I don't agree with your assertion that leg kicks wouldn't be an in close option cause I actually consider them as part of my in close bag of techniques. However, that aside you can most definitely alter your point of contact to the knee (my personal fav), or knee them in the thigh - both have worked for me in past. The Boar techniques have a myriad of lowline attacks and that system can best be described as fighting in a phone booth.

I think there may be a bit of confusion on certain parts here, but theres also some agreement, as we're both saying the same thing, just slightly different. As I said in my original post,

For myself, I like all of them. Of course, depending on the situation at the time, one may be a better option than the other. Doing a Thai kick to the leg wouldn't be an option if you're too close, but simply changing the nature of the attack to say, a knee to the leg, may be a better choice.

I stated that depending on the situation, certain targets and methods of hitting them may be better than others. From a clinch position, a Thai kick is not the best move suited for that time, however, a knee to the leg, stomp to the top of the foot, hit/scrape to the shin, would be better at that time.

I gar-aun-tee that most people aren't going to shrug off a hard shinbone to the inner knee. It could very easily end the fight if you're smart enough to disengage. And even though I would never expect a single shot to end a fight (that's just not smart thinking) lower attacks are an integral part of my MA's philosophy - taking away mobility. I like stomps, shin raking, and always always look for the joints - ankle and knee

To sum it up I love low line targets. :)

While they may not shrug it off, I don't want to assume that it'll stop them. It looks like we agree on that part.:) Personally, I prefer those shots to help set up other strikes.

Phadrus00 said:
Personally, I am a fan of the ankle... Not a kicking target but rather a trapping target. After years of Filipino and Silat practice I natuarally tend to step on the foot to trap it as it enhances the delivery of many throws and traps. It also is a very effective self-defence technique if you step a little further and roll the ankle.

Rob "Ankle Biter"

Gotta love those traps.:ultracool There's so many of those nasty little tricks in the FMAs.

Hello, If the guy is real tall and and I can reach the knees....that is where I will attack first......

If very short....kicks will work anywhere.........Aloha
I like the inside of the leg at or above the knee. It's easy to get a quick shot in at it. I don't usually put power behind those strikes while sparring, but I think if you did it could be damaging.
Kenpojujitsu3 said:
Groin or outside of the knee joint has been very effective for me when the "chips are falling".

I'm with you on that one..I also like knee strikes to the common peronial or the outside of the thigh muscle
Drac said:
I'm with you on that one..I also like knee strikes to the common peronial or the outside of the thigh muscle
Hell yeah! Schoolboy tactics, you gotta love em. You can't deny that a good "Dead leg" or "Charlie Horse" have their places among the Most Useful Low Line Attacks Hall Of Fame!
MJS said:
Gotta love those traps.:ultracool There's so many of those nasty little tricks in the FMAs.




Sorry...couldn't help myself... It's embarrasing when it happens in class.. *grin*

What are your preferred targets when attacking on a low line? Targets such as the leg, knee, groin, shin and top of the foot, to me, all seem like pretty good picks. Do you have one that you tend to favor more than another?

all of the above plus the thigh, and calf
my peferred taget hmmmmmm :btg:
Since the leg's are a person's foundation it makes alot of sence to be able to execute effective strike's, trap's and Leg Destructions in and around them.

Trapping the ankle, foot, back, front or sides of knees and then applying pressure are potentially conflict stopping techniques. Follow them up
with other effective strikes, joint manipulations and you are really in control.

Striking to the outside or inside of the knee, thigh, inner or outer calf, back of the calf, top of the foot, ankle and you could be in great shape.

Oh, and do not forget the groin. I was training just the other day and someone forgot to wear their cup and I barely touched them there as I took them down with a sweep and walla they would have been unable to continue in a real confrontation.

The low line targets are certainly something that we should all practice for our offense and defense. Just my two cents worth.

Brian R. VanCise
Favorite targets...groin, outer thigh, upper calf muscle...

Take out the base and life is grand...for you, any way!
I'm a big fan of thai style kicks to the legs, anywhere from the thigh to the calves (more of a sweep effect when targeting the calf) depending on range. Failing that, I frequently find myself throwing knee-strikes to the sides of the leg to hit the common peronial (sp?) nerve. I also like attacking the ankles and tendons by trapping the person's and shoving/striking them off balance.
I also like "raking' the shin..With tactical boots we wear I ALWAYS get a response..Some a combination of a shin rake ending with an instep stomp..

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