Losing my edge or something

I have found that student focus improves if you can "set the student to purpose."

This is what makes a personal trainer a good motivator. Most people aren't driven if there is no purpose behind it. Your students may be seeking purpose with martial arts.

Find out what drives them and use that to drive their martial arts. I've dealt with thousands of kids and none of them had an attention issue that could hold down their purpose.

I wouldn't count on homework for students. I made sure to cover it in class so that there is no need for homework. They would improve more but I'm happy with hard work during class and rest when they get home. I also used videos to motivate. A few video clips with energetic music gives them something visible to be happy about themselves.

The old way of teaching only those who want to learn may not be the best approach. Motivate those who you teach may produce better results. You may also want to train with them. When they see you train hard it may make them train hard.

When I taught classes. I would train with the students and step out of my training to check on them personally then jump back into training with them.

But that's just me. People tend to follow if you are willing to lead classes like that.
This might be relevant:
I used to play in a small community concert band, made up of about 90% adults of parental age. Many are retired, so it's not a young-generational thing. In fact, the couple of kids in the band are the keenest.

I quit because they would not practice at home. Every rehearsal was almost as if they had just seen the material. As a result, we just couldn't move forward if they had to be told every time how to play specific phrases. In other words, no retention.

One factor is that this cohort seems to be a "coaster" cohort: in a 70-piece band, they would coast, where better players covers their part and they can get away with appearing to participate. But not in a twenty-piece band: everyone has a soloist, essentially. They have to take responsibility for their own progress.

I think that some of the coasters don't have the time to practice at home, some are afraid of confronting material that isn't easy the first time they try it at home, and some expect to get all their practice in the rehearsal room only. And most importantly, I think a number of them just don't know how to practice in the absence of a teacher: it's a skill.

Maybe that last sentence is the relevant bit?
When I taught classes. I would train with the students and step out of my training to check on them personally then jump back into training with them.
Every now and then our shihans join the fighting class, not becuase I think they need to learn. I think they want to check out how we are doing, feel us out, and also to see how the other lower ranks instructors are doing. So it happens that some higher ranks are joining the class like the rest of us, while some 1st kyo or 1st dan is doing the instructting, as theyt are also evaluated for their future gradings. Beeing able to teach is part fo the gradings.

But it certainly feels like a big honour to get to spar with your instructors, and our shihans in this case which have experience from international competitions and don't just speak about things, they can also do it.

As a beginner I get som extra energy and motivation when i see the instructors or highest rankes in our club joining into to fight. I am very greatful for their interaction! Best of of all is getting some good bruises from the higher ranks, that feels really good!
A masochist is tied to a tree when a sadist walks past.
Punch me!” says the masochist.
”No” replies the sadist.
Suspicious clubs in Berlin and now this association, I think you speak from experience 🧐
Best of of all is getting some good bruises from the higher ranks, that feels really good!
On a serious side - what I see happening is that a few brief moments of "sudden pain" gives me ~3 days of "pleasure".

The presumed mechanism is something like this; certain types of sudden pain (not all types) but often strikes to the bones, shins, ribs and to a certain exten limb bruises, causes my body to "overreact" and produce ALOT MORE endorphines than is really necessary; that exceess usually lasts for a few days, or as long as the bruises or bone pain is left.

Perhaps I enjoy this more, because I have some chronic issues, so the few days of "excess endorphines" after a good fighting session, is a bit of a "rest" from chronic pain issues.

I think this is in line with research as well, that some acute pain do produce endorphins, many body processes are known to "overreact" at times, in this case, I enjoy the overreaction :) This does a much better job than nsaid and other regular stuff.
Suspicious clubs in Berlin and now this association, I think you speak from experience 🧐
Don’t all MA have masochistic/sadistic tendencies?
Perhaps I enjoy this more, because I have some chronic issues, so the few days of "excess endorphines" after a good fighting session, is a bit of a "rest" from chronic pain issues.
If you tie yourself to a tree, I’d be happy to come over and help you with your ‘chronic issues’ 🤜🏽😵🤛🏽 😉
I think this is in line with research as well, that some acute pain do produce endorphins, many body processes are known to "overreact" at times, in this case, I enjoy the overreaction :) This does a much better job than nsaid and other regular stuff.
This, and endogenous cannabinoids are the basis of ‘runner’s highs‘ and pain relief with acupuncture. The reason one tends to ache more than usual after waking from a night’s sleep is that endorphin/cannabinoid production drops during sleep! So before you get out of bed in the morning, punch yourself in the face a few times and wait 5 minutes before stepping into your slipper.😉
I have an acupressure/spike mat that covers the whole back I fall asleep on when i need some extra diversion. I just throw it into bed and it actually works too, but it's only short term. So I prefer getting a bit of sored or bruised muscles or bones during the day, it gives an "extended release" for days. Unless you get a chance to fight, a DYI version that works is to hit your own shins with a stick, it produces some micro bruising that gets you tons of endorphins.
Don’t all MA have masochistic/sadistic tendencies?
At my age at least, the answer is yes. It's the only reason I can think of for why I still work out several times a week. It seems I have no endorphins or cannabinoids left anymore so there isn't even that upside. I get no high. But I substitute those with a strawberry or banana-chocolate milkshake on occasion - I'm a believer in alternative medicine.
But it certainly feels like a big honour to get to spar with your instructors, and our shihans
This is how I think, but some see it as a challenge. I think those who are focused on learning appreciate this. Those who are more focused on winning may think they have nothing to learn from someone they beat.

Unfortunately some teachers won't spar because they don't know how to apply what they train.
I have an acupressure/spike mat that covers the whole back I fall asleep on when i need some extra diversion. I just throw it into bed and it actually works too, but it's only short term. So I prefer getting a bit of sored or bruised muscles or bones during the day, it gives an "extended release" for days. Unless you get a chance to fight, a DYI version that works is to hit your own shins with a stick, it produces some micro bruising that gets you tons of endorphins.
I have one of those but just for my feet.

It’s a very odd, slightly painful but strangely pleasant sensation that is often referred to my ‘gentleman’s area’! I use it for when I’m having a period of foot cramps or my other half is away 😐
Mine has exactly same type of plastic spikes, but for the whole back. It's "painful" initially, but after a while it's just nice.
I think those who are focused on learning appreciate this. Those who are more focused on winning may think they have nothing to learn from someone they beat.
My main worry is accidently hurting our shihans by an uncontrolled strike. Someone accidently delivered a good groin kick to our highest instructor in fighting and I think he was ashamed like a dog for his lack of control.
Mine has exactly same type of plastic spikes, but for the whole back. It's "painful" initially, but after a while it's just nice.
Does the pleasure spread to your gentleman’s area? 😐
So I did do my recent class, making the more difficult technique at the beginning and kept the flow high. I also didn't work within a certain genre of technique through the class. Switched it up a bit. Also made a competition out of some. Currently in the 8th kyu (yellow) material, they are all at the same level.

So that did seem to work a little smoother and they seemed to be able to recall what they had learned previously... to an acceptable degree. I appreciate the advice. Just never had a class like this one. But it improved enough.
My main worry is accidently hurting our shihans by an uncontrolled strike. Someone accidently delivered a good groin kick to our highest instructor in fighting and I think he was ashamed like a dog for his lack of control.
Accidents are always possible. I was talking to my sparring partner last night about control. There are various levels of control possible. Even when sparring hard there is control. The most important thing is to decide the intensity level that sparring will be so that the proper type of control can be applied.

Then the based on the intensity wear your safety gear to account for any mistakes and accidents that may happen.