Looking for Martial Arts Business Articles


Black Belt
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
I recently added a section to the http://www.martialartsindustry.net/ called the Martial Arts Business Guide. I am looking for articles on the net that gives advise and tips on running a MA biz (school, organization, retail or what have you). These can be also some general business articles that can fit within the martial arts scope also.

You can submit it directly to the site (although you do need to be a member), or reply to this thread if you see a good link that has a decent article. Anyone who is so inclined can also write an article on a subject you may have experience in. Such as running a school, teaching, advertising, selling MA products and etc.

Thanks Terry.

There really isn't a whole lot out there when it comes to articles for martial arts business. I found a whole bunch at fightingarts.com which I created links for, but besides that, I didn't see much.

martialartsteachers.com has some free articles but they are mostly just teaser articles to entice a subscription.

So if anyone wants to write an article or two, please do.

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