Looking for good schools.


White Belt
in the western new York erie area does anyone have any experiences with any of these schools? And able to they give me their pros and cons. I'm open to any form of martial art I have a limited experience in krav maga I only obtained orange belt.
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1)Go to a school
2) See if you like
3) see if you can afford it
If you like it and can afford it then stay there. If you don't then repeat steps 1-3
Welcome to the forum Trainee. Headhunter is right. Make a list of the schools that you logically can go to based on location and schedules. Give them a call or drop in and talk to the teacher(s) and ideally some of the students. Any school worth it's salt will give you at least one trial class for free. Some may give you much more for free. Be patient and try at least more than one, several is better. Get a feel for what you see and hear, not just what you do. Then you will have a knowledge base to make a decision from. Getting suggestions and referrals are great but at the end of the day, you are the one who will be doing the work so you should make an informed decision.
I appreciate the responses. I've looked in some of the schools I'm interested in Judo, Shotokan Karate Aikido and Hapkido but theirs no schools for that art in my location.theirs plenty of TKD and Karate and Self defense mma schools.
Luckily there are a few people on here from various parts of new york. Since "western new york" could mean a couple different things, mind posting a town nearby to help us out?
How reputable is Kin-Tora and Lake effects Martial arts? I'm interested in their Judo classes.
I'm about 5hours, 330 miles away from Buffalo and in another country. It took less than two minutes on Google to find clubs that teach the arts you said you were interested in. Now it is time for you to do what was post as the first response to this thread,,
1)Go to a school
2) See if you like
3) see if you can afford it
If you like it and can afford it then stay there. If you don't then repeat steps 1-3
Did you look at the instructors resumes at Kin_Tora?
How reputable is Kin-Tora and Lake effects Martial arts? I'm interested in their Judo classes.

Welcome to Martial talk, bro.

Both schools seem fine. If they are a reasonable distance to you, I highly suggest spending several nights watching classes in both schools. Then determine which would be the most enjoyable for you.

And "reasonable distance to you" and "enjoyable" are the main factors you should consider.

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