Looking for an ITF-style class in Madison, Wisconsin


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
One of my students is moving to Madison when his mother's new job at the University of Wisconsin at Madison begins the end of June. He is currently 12 years old, and testing for 3rd gup on Friday, so he'd much rather stay in a Ch'ang H'on style class if possible - he really wants to earn his black belt. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I grew up not too far from Madison, it's a great small city, especially around the University. Sorry I don't know the Martial Arts scene there, as I have been away from that area for about 12 years now.
upnorthkyosa said:
There are alot of good clubs right on Campus. I would check out Rec-Sports.

Good point. I came across a lot of college clubs while searching and all looked very credible.
Thanks - and to those who PM'd me, too. I'll pass this, and any additional information, on to my student's mother.

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