

Have a new guy showing up at Western Arts tonight who wants to study 5' stick.

I'm going to start off with some simple things which he should be able to functionalize very quickly. For the basics of the first session, I'll pull from Bayonet, Short Spear, and bit of Irish stick and some Quarterstaff.

After a session or two of that, I'll include some Hutton and maybe a bit of Aiki-Jo.

Everyone is invited and I'm excited about teaching some stuff that I haven't dusted off for a while.

Peace favor your sword,
Going pretty good, actually. Covered some basic one-hand and two-hand stuff similar to Bonafont cane with a smidge of bayonet and a borrowed Fiore spear play (a variation of posta di finestra). The next time we reviewed the material and then entered into an introduction to Hutton's "Great Stick." Next week, we'll review Hutton and do some of his drills and maybe, time permitting, begin some Victorian "quaterstaff" material adapted to 5' stick.

Peace favor your sword,
Hmmm, sounds like an interesting class. Do you happen to know anyone in Western Washington who teaches this? Or something similar?

Hmmm, sounds like an interesting class. Do you happen to know anyone in Western Washington who teaches this? Or something similar?

My friend Cecil Longino teaches out in Seattle. I know he does some stick fencing.

If he doesn't have what you're after or if he's not close enough, he might be able to put you in contact with someone more appropriate.

Peace favor your sword,

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