8th Annual Western Martial Arts "Recreational Violence" Seminar


Got back last night.

It was a great weekend. Pretty much turned out to be an "Instructors Clinic" but that gave us some really great options to explore which we might not have been able to do if there had been a raft full of newbies.

I really enjoyed teaching slungshot. I think I would have been better served to do the Slungshot+gun earlier and some of the fun drills, such as "Cincinnati Cop," after that.

I'm really glad John Sullivan came and gave us insight into his system and his club.

Unfortunately Tim Anderson was called away on a family emergency before he got to teach.

Messer, Footpad+Cane, Bind, Short Stick, Montante, Shiner Faction Stick, what was not to like?

I broke my foot doing Judo on Wednesday, 2 days before I was supposed to leave for the seminar. I'm still bummed that I didn't get to jump in for any of the classes because of that. <sigh>

Got some good ideas already for next year.

Peace favor your sword,

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